Eurasia News

Former Bosnian miltary Jurisic challenges Bosnia war crimes conviction

Ilija Jurisic, the former Bosnian miltary officer jailed for 12 years for committing war crimes in the country’s 1992-95 war, is continuing his appeal against conviction. Jurisic was jailed in September 2009 by the War Crimes Chamber of the District Court in Belgrade for ordering an attack on a convoy …

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Romanian president visits Bulgaria

Romanian President Traian Basescu visited Bulgaria on September 23 2010, at the invitation of his counterpart Georgi Purvanov. The two heads of state were set to continue their active political dialogue and would evaluate the bilateral relations between both countries, the the sphere

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Bulgarian President: Bulgaria and Romania work very actively to meet Schengen criteria

Bulgaria and Romania are working very actively to meet the Schengen criteria, Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov said at the joint press conference with his Romanian counterpart Traian Basescu. President Parvanov outlined two issues in the bilateral relations within the EU – living up to the additional requirements and completion of …

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Teodor Baconschi şi Serghei Lavrov au fost de acord cu privire la necesitatea unei întâlniri ruso-române

Ministrul afacerilor externe, Teodor Baconschi, şi omologul său rus, Serghei Lavrov, au fost de acord cu privire la necesitatea unei întâlniri ruso-române. ‘În mod formal, aici (la New-York – n.r.) nu va mai avea loc (o întâlnire Baconschi-Lavrov). Domnul Lavrov a transmis că agenda nu-i permite să organizeze o întâlnire …

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EU officials hopeful legislative elections in Moldova will be free and fair

Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany Werner Hoyer and Minister of State for Europe at the British Foreign Ministry David Lidington, who are on an official visit to Moldova, voiced hope the early parliamentary elections will be free and fair, Info-Prim Neo reports.

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Macedonian President to meet Greek Prime Minister in New York

Macedonian President Gjorgje Ivanov and Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou are set to meet in New York, where they will take part in UN General assembly. The two delegations have agreed to meet at 5 p.m. Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki is set to attend the meeting as well. The …

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UN Secretary General reiterates support for Cypriot reunification talks

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met on Tuesday (September 21st) with Cypriot President Demetris Christofias, reiterating his support for ongoing talks to reunify the island. The meeting, held on the sidelines of a UN summit in New York, focused on progress in the talks. During a separate meeting with Turkish President …

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