
Putin Says If Ukraine Joins NATO Would Be Disaster, Concerns Over Crimea’s Future

The possibility of Ukraine joining NATO poses a threat to European security, as it creates the grounds for a major conflict between Moscow and the military bloc, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Tuesday. Ukraine’s official state doctrine includes an intention to restore Kiev’s sovereignty over the Crimean Peninsula, which …

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In Moscow, Orbán Offers ‘Hungarian Model’, Blasts Idea Of Sanctions

Amid simmering tensions between the West and Russia, after nearly five hours of talks in the Russian capital on Tuesday (1 February), the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán blasted the ineffectiveness of the EU’s punitive sanctions on Moscow and hailed his successful relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Described by …

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A simple guide to the Ukraine-Russia crisis: 5 things to know

Why are Ukraine’s NATO ambitions so controversial? And could an all-out war break out? We answer the critical questions. NATO allies, fearful of a potential ground invasion by Russia, have stepped up support for Kyiv by sending additional troops and military equipment to Ukraine. The alliance says its move is …

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Amnesty International Wants to End the Jewish State

Unfortunately for the inveterate peace-processors and their followers, the Arab world has moved on from their own opposition to Israel. They see the country for what it is: a source of stability and prosperity in the region. They understand the dangers of continuing Palestinian intransigence and animosity and have denied …

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Premier Mateusz Morawiecki w Kijowie wspiera Ukrainę i samego siebie

Polska dołączyła do grona krajów, które w namacalny sposób chcą wesprzeć Ukrainę w ewentualnym starciu z Rosją. Zbrojna ofensywa premiera w Kijowie pozwala mu na jakiś czas uciec od trudności z Polskim Ładem i pandemią. Wiele wskazuje na to, że ogłoszenie polskiej pomocy wojskowej dla Ukrainy było od dawna przygotowywane …

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Такой же, как Путин: национальные интересы превыше всего

Венгерского премьера Виктора Орбана глобалисты и либералы называют “маленьким европейским Путиным” — это страшное ругательство в одном ряду с фашистом, националистом и гомофобом, как тоже обзывают Орбана. Самому венгерскому премьеру нет до этого никакого дела — он идет своим путем, ставя во главу угла интересы своей страны и своего народа. …

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Jó üzletek, nem druzsba

– Nagyon jól sikerült az oroszországi utunk: hazatérhettünk – a még a szovjet időkben Moszkvában járt Bob Hope amerikai komikus poénja nálunk, a XX. századi magyar történelem ismeretében különösen keserűen ül: nem minden honfitársunknak adatott meg onnan a visszaút. A magyar–orosz kapcsolatok alakítóinak túlzás nélkül diplomáciai bravúrja, hogy sikerült kialakítaniuk …

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Putin warns US seeks to “drag” Russia “into an armed conflict”

Speaking at a press conference with Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orbán on Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the written response by the US to Russia’s key demands from December indicated that “the fundamental concerns of Russia have been ignored.” The main demands from the December 17 document, which …

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When Redlines Fail

The Promise and Peril of Public Threats With Russia massing troops on its border with Ukraine and apparently readying for an invasion, U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration has faced persistent questions about its redlines in that conflict. Senior U.S. officials have avoided spelling out exactly how much Russian aggression is …

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Opinion | Putin Is a Menace. But NATO Was Reckless on Ukraine

Vladimir Putin is a bully and a despot: Appeasing him overtly is certainly wrong. But Russia must be handled with cleverness and care and NATO, with its unnecessary overreach on Ukraine, failed to do so Vladimir Putin is a bully and a menace. Standing up for his victims will always …

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