
Gadhafi’s son shakes up Libyan elections

Elections scheduled for Dec. 24 are now uncertain because of haggling among Libya’s political factions. Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, late leader Moammar Gadhafi’s second son and once heir, will run in Libya’s Dec. 24 presidential elections. The High National Election Commission (HNEC) objected to his application, but a court in the …

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Turkish lira sinks further with Erdogan’s latest rate cut

Ankara’s controversial economic policy coupled with external forces portend a continuing deprecation of the Turkish lira that will only worsen inflation and other economic parameters. Turkey’s Central Bank lowered its policy rate by 100 basis points to 14% Thursday, delivering a fourth cut in as many months in line with …

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Устояхме. Правителство без ГЕРБ и ДПС

За пореден път в българската история, българите устояхме на опитите да бъде смачкан колективният ни стремеж към свобода, справедливост и национален просперитет. Устояхме на 12 години, простащина облечена във власт. Устояхме безправие и правен нихилизъм. Устояхме дирижиран разпад на държавността. Устояхме омаломощаване на държавните институции. Устояхме културен и духовен геноцид. …

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Albania’s Democrats Risk Split in Berisha-Basha Showdown

Political veteran Sali Berisha will bid to take back control of the opposition Democrats on Saturday, but in doing so he risks splitting the party in two.Tirana’s 22,500-seat ‘Air Albania’ stadium will host a grudge match on Saturday, but there won’t be a football in sight. Instead, a 77-year-old former …

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Making Electronic Money Safer In The Digital Age

Imagine you go to pay for your morning coffee and your stored-value card returns an error message, or the wallet in the payments app on your phone isn’t opening because the company providing the payment service has gone bankrupt. Worse, what if you live in a rural area and the …

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Lebanon: Quo Vadis?

Forty years have passed this fall since my first travel to Lebanon and it happened ever since to return there many times and to spend more than four years in the beautiful Cedars country; I had during the time the opportunity of meeting relevant Lebanese personalities such as the late …

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Russia Threatens To Deploy Tactical Nuclear Weapons

A top Russian diplomat has warned that Moscow will respond “militarily” and deploy tactical nuclear weapons, if NATO does not guarantee an end to its eastward expansion. His remarks raise the stakes even higher in the confrontation between Russia and Western powers just days after U.S. President Joe Biden and …

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Cold War Warriors Are Gaining The Upper Hand Again

Oh, to be a Cold War warrior again! I always felt a bit sorry for those politicians, academics, soldiers and journalists who had hitched their careers to the onward march of the Cold War. It was satisfying. There was a clear enemy. The complex arithmetic on which side had what …

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Tensions Between Russia And Ukraine: How Likely Is Another War? – Analysis

As the war in Ukraine heads into its eighth year, many fear that Moscow may be preparing a large-scale military escalation. Over the past few weeks, American, European, and NATO allies, as well as Ukrainian officials, have warned that Russia has massed significant military forces and equipment near its border …

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Blinken says US ready to move forward with sale of F-35s, drones to UAE

Speaking at a news conference in Kuala Lumpur, Blinken said Washington had to conduct some reviews. The United States is prepared to move forward with the sale of F-35 fighter jets and drones to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday, after reports …

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