
Putin Laments Soviet Breakup As Demise Of ‘Historical Russia,’ Amid Ukraine Fears

Russian President Vladimir Putin has described the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 as the demise of “historical Russia,” a comment that could fuel speculation about his foreign policy intentions amid a buildup of tens of thousands of Russian troops in regions bordering Ukraine. “It was the disintegration of …

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US, Lithuania Sign Agreement To Further Military Interoperability

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III welcomed Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas to the Pentagon for meetings and to sign a reciprocal defense procurement agreement that aims to strengthen deterrence in Europe. NATO ally Lithuania is one of the frontline states that borders Russia. Anusauskas told Austin that his …

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Rocznica stanu wojennego. W wykonaniu PiS to podła gala hipokryzji

Rację mieli Klaudia Jachira i Franciszek Sterczewski z KO oraz większość klubu Lewicy, że nie poparli w Sejmie uchwały na rocznicę stanu wojennego. Też bym za nią nie głosował i dziwi mnie wsparcie reszty opozycji. Nie chodzi tylko o to, że przygotowana przez PiS uchwała traktuje o „Solidarności” i walce …

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Editorial: An historic opportunity

Liberal democracies, on both sides of the Atlantic, were tested over the last years by a wave of populism that attempted to sweep away everything in its path. Values were disputed, institutions were undermined. Liberal democracies, on both sides of the Atlantic, were tested over the last years by a …

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Credibilidad socialdemócrata

La crisis de la pandemia ha propiciado el regreso de la confianza en el Estado como instrumento de justicia social Los cantos funerarios van a tener que esperar. El último ciclo electoral que ha vivido Europa —también en España y Portugal, pasando por las elecciones municipales italianas— ha dado un …

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Jędrzej Bielecki: Zachować karty do końca gry

Dla Kijowa sytuacja jest jasna. Za sześć tygodni rosyjskie czołgi mogą przekroczyć granice, rozpoczynając inwazję na Ukrainę od północy, wschodu i południa. To więc ostatnia chwila, aby dozbroić armię i spowodować, że koszt wojny będzie dla Kremla wyższy. Dlatego Ukraińcy przyjmują z niezrozumieniem decyzję niemieckiego rządu o wstrzymaniu dostaw broni …

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At G7 Meeting, U.K. Implores Iran To Seize ‘Last Chance’ For Serious Approach To Nuclear Talks

The United Kingdom publicly challenged Iran on December 12 to seize on a “last chance” to bring serious proposals to negotiations on a lasting solution to revive a six-year-old nuclear deal. The appeal follows Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s assurance a day earlier that Tehran is serious in the ongoing but …

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Warring Libyan Armed Forces Agree to Unite Army, Acting Commander of LNA Says

Commanders of confronting armed forces in Libya held a meeting on Saturday in the city of Sirte and agreed on uniting militaries, acting Commander of the Libyan National Army (LNA) Abdulrazzak al-Nazuri said. The meeting between al-Nazuri and his counterpart from the rival forces, Chief of General Staff of the …

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G7 Warns Russia Of ‘Massive Consequences’ If It Attacks Ukraine

Foreign ministers from the Group of Seven (G7) have warned Russia that it faces “massive consequences” and “severe” costs if it launches a military attack on Ukraine. The warning came on December 12 during a G7 meeting in the English city of Liverpool where delegates said they were united in …

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G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement on Russia and Ukraine

The text of the following statement was released by the G7 foreign ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America, and the High Representative of the European Union. Begin Text: We, the G7 Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the …

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