
Turkey’s self-made currency crisis

Following the resignation of the finance minister and his replacement by a loyalist on Dec. 2, the Turkish lira continued its steady decline against the dollar, bringing its losses for the year to nearly 50%. The Turkish currency is once again under speculative attack, similar to previous episodes in July …

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OPEC+ faces new tests to its market balancing strategy in 2022

When President Joe Biden’s White House announced that it had successfully enlisted several major oil-consuming countries in an effort to coordinate releases from strategic petroleum reserves (SPRs) around the world, it looked like this would be the only major factor in oil markets that OPEC+ would need to consider at …

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Defection of Pro-Turkish Leader and Followers to State-controlled Areas

In the occupied al-Bab countryside, social media users reported the defection of the so-called commander of the al-Sukkaria village’s forces from the pro-Turkish Hamza Division militia. The commander was accompanied by other gunmen and some cars and their arrival in areas of army control. According to reports, gunmen from the …

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SDF Should Choose Between Moscow, Washington, and Damascus

These days, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militias have reached a three-way crossroad. The SDF could move towards Damascus, and sit at the table with the legitimate government, it could embrace Moscow and avoid breaking ties with it, or it might maintain its alliance with Washington and the U.S. occupation, …

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‘Lot of concern’ over Russian military activity near Ukraine, top U.S. general says

The United States is tracking enough indicators and warnings surrounding Russian military activity near Ukraine to trigger “a lot of concern” and Russian rhetoric appears increasingly strident, the top U.S. military officer said late on Thursday, Reuters reported. Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, declined …

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UE wspiera polską strategię walki z migrantami z Białorusi. „Zła wiadomość dla opozycji i aktywistów”

Komisja Europejska chce ułatwić Polsce walkę z hybrydowymi atakami z Białorusi. Propozycja ma zalegalizować praktyki, stosowane przez nasze służby na granicy – co jest złą wiadomością dla krytykującej rząd opozycji i aktywistów, organizujących pomoc dla migrantów, przysyłanych przez Łukaszenkę.Nielegalne przekroczenie granicy Unii Europejskiej ma mocno ograniczyć migrantom prawo do ubiegania …

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Gefährliches Säbelrasseln

Die Unterstützungsbekundungen der Nato für die Ukraine sind leeres Geschwätz. Bei einem Einmarsch Russlands würde die Nato nichts tun. Die Kreml-Astrologie hat dieser Tage wieder Hochkonjunktur. Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin lässt 115.000 Soldaten an der Grenze zur Ukraine aufmarschieren und alle Welt fragt sich, warum nur. Geht es lediglich um …

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Belgian police testimony on terror suspect leaves crucial questions unanswered

The Paris attacks trial resumed on Tuesday with police evidence from Brussels on the background and Syrian activities of Mohamed Abrini. Abrini did not hear what was said about him, since he is one of five accused who continue to boycott the trial in protest against Belgian police witnesses being …

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Najaf seminary prepares for post-Sistani Iraq

The opening of Sheikh Baqir al-Irawani’s office in Najaf indicates that he may be preparing to be one of the successors to 92-year-old Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, head of the Shiite religious authority. It appears that the sudden death of Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammed Saeed al-Hakim, who was the most …

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How Migrants Got Weaponized

The EU Set the Stage for Belarus’s Cynical Ploy Over the past month, as thousands of migrants gathered on Belarus’s border with Poland and tried to cross into the European Union, some European leaders accused Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko of engaging in a “hybrid war.” In an effort to put …

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