
After Afghanistan, EU Crisis Intervention Should Go Big, Not Go Home

It is difficult to speak of European ambitions for international crisis management against the backdrop of the images from Kabul over the past few weeks, which seem to tell a story of the failure of Western interventionist policies. But that discussion is urgently needed. Yes, it will be necessary to …

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‘America Is Back’ Won’t Save the U.S.-Led Global Order

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the United States and its allies enjoyed a near monopoly on economic, military and ideological power in a suddenly unipolar world. Over the decade and a half that followed, the U.S. emerged as the dominant power …

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The U.N. Needs New Thinking on How to Prevent Civil Wars

Up until the spring, the pro-democracy movement in Myanmar was mainly expressing its opposition to the military junta that seized power in February through peaceful protests. But over the summer, in reaction to the junta’s violent and often lethal response, hundreds of small, armed, civilian resistance groups popped up and …

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В заручниках у диктатур: як міграційна криза змусила Захід іти на поступки і до чого тут Україна

Ситуація на кордоні між Польщею та Білоруссю дещо стабілізувалася. Однак польські прикордонні служби очікують напливу нових груп мігрантів. За повідомленням прикордонників, дві великі групи намагалися прорватися через кордон: в одній було 500, а в іншій – 50 осіб. Під час інциденту четверо військових отримали поранення. Тим часом Польщу відвідав міністр …

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Edessä on kylmiä aikoja, kun Venäjä lisää jännitettä

Valko-Venäjän synnyttämän siirtolaiskriisin varjoon on jäänyt monta suuntaa, joilla Venäjä on ollut aktiivinen. Niistä merkittävin on Ukraina. Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putin esitti taas oman teoriansa Puolan ja Valko-Venäjän rajan siirtolaiskriisistä, kun hän piti torstaina puheen Venäjän ulkoministeriön tilaisuudessa. Putinin mukaan tilanteen taustalla on länsimaiden pyrkimys lisätä jännitettä Venäjän lähellä sijaitsevalla …

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Is Inflation Here to Stay?

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, in Foreign Affairs, I wrote that advanced economies were entering a new age: the age of magic money. Because inflation seemed dormant, central banks faced no penalty for conjuring money out of thin air. And because this money would drive interest rates lower, governments would …

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Russia Won’t Let Ukraine Go Without a Fight

Ominous signs indicate that Russia may conduct a military offensive in Ukraine as early as the coming winter. Moscow has quietly built up its forces along the Ukrainian border over the past several months, which could be a prelude to a military operation that aims to resolve the political deadlock …

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Bulgaria accuses Turkey of election interference

Turkey has rejected accusations that it is helping Bulgarian politicians representing the country’s Turkish minority. The Turkish government has denied allegations that it interfered in neighboring Bulgaria’s election. The Turkish Foreign Ministry summoned Bulgaria’s ambassador to Turkey, Hristov Tcholakov, and told him that Turkey rejects all accusations that it interfered …

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Chinese maritime militia threatens order in South China Sea, US think tank says

Hundreds of Chinese maritime militia vessels are operating in contested areas of the South China Sea on a consistent basis, according to a new U.S. think tank report that says this poses a significant challenge to “maritime order rooted in international law.” The Washington, D.C.,-based Center for Strategic and International …

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US Intel Reportedly Claims China Was Building Secret Military Facility in UAE Port

The Biden administration was concerned and reportedly cautioned the Emirati leadership that a Chinese military presence in the country could jeopardise bilateral relations. The alleged construction was reportedly suspended after a series of talks and visits by US officials. US intelligence agencies found out this spring that China was secretly …

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