
Ceasefire In Tigray More Urgent Than Ever

A ceasefire in Tigray on humanitarian grounds is needed now more than ever if a massive aid operation across frontlines is to succeed, the UN’s emergency relief chief said on Friday. Speaking in Geneva, Martin Griffiths highlighted the urgency of the situation for all those affected in the northern Ethiopian …

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Ghassan Salamé : « J’ai senti que Haftar m’avait fait un sale coup » (2/2)

Offensive de Haftar, sort des Kadhafi, ingérences des grandes puissances, mercenaires… L’ex-émissaire de l’ONU en Libye raconte tout à JA dans un grand entretien. Deuxième partie. Quand il décide de jeter l’éponge, en mars 2020, l’ex-émissaire de l’ONU en Libye est épuisé. Physiquement, avec des problèmes de cœur qui se …

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The Decade of Defiance & Resistance: Reflections On Arab Revolutionary Uprisings And Responses From 2010 – 2020

The dynamics fostered by the wars and revolutions plaguing many Arab states today represent the most consequential national transformations since World War I, culminating in a period of civilian defiance and resistance that was especially distinct between 2010 – 2020. Despite being pauperized by predatory governments, citizens have challenged their …

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Bringing Terrorists to Justice: Prosecuting ISIL War Crimes and Terrorism

In his final briefing to the United Nations Security Council in May 2021, the Special Adviser and Head of the United Nations Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da’esh/ISIL (UNITAD), Karim A.A. Khan QC, highlighted their finding of “clear and convincing evidence” that ISIL attacks against the …

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Terrorism and Counterterrorism in Southeast Asia: Emerging Trends and Dynamics

In the last three years, Indonesia and the southern Philippines have seen something new: women carrying out suicide bombings – some with their husbands, some with their children, and some avenging slain husbands – targeting churchgoers, police officers, and soldiers.1 In Malaysia, during the May 2018 general election, a 51-year-old …

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Auch bei Islamismusverdacht muss der Rechtsstaat gelten

Soll man gegen radikale religiöse Strömungen auftreten? Ja, unbedingt. Doch mit schwammigen und pauschalen Vorwürfen wird man dabei scheitern. Die Operation Luxor, ein Lieblingsprojekt von Innenminister Karl Nehammer, entwickelt sich für ihn gerade zum politischen Bumerang. Das Oberlandesgericht Graz hat Beschwerden von neun Beschuldigten zu den Hausdurchsuchungen stattgegeben. Sie waren …

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Andrius Užkalnis. Paskirti kariškių Vyriausybę, išleidus dabartinį kabinetą apmokamų atostogų

Ne perversmo, ne: įstatymo numatyta tvarka, Seimo pavedimu, paskirti kariškių Vyriausybę, išleidus dabartinį kabinetą apmokamų atostogų (jei nori savanoriauti, žinoma, gali padėti, nebent jie būtų iš Laisvės partijos – tuos į Nidą bent dešimčiai dienų ir kiekvienam po kebabą). Nes Lietuvoje yra karo metas. Pats tikriausias karo metas. Apibrėžtam laikui …

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Lukašenka kaitina Eiropu. Eiropa guļ. Pagaidām

Situācija uz Baltkrievijas un Lietuvas robežas jau kopš aprīļa ir būtiski pasliktinājusies, bet pēdējās nedēļās kļuvusi absolūti nenormāla. Ik dienas vairāk nekā simts nelegālo robežpārkāpēju šķērso abu valstu robežu ar acīmredzamu Baltkrievijas varas struktūru svētību. Tiešo lidmašīnu reisu skaits maršrutā Bagdāde–Minska palielinājies no diviem reisiem nedēļā uz četriem. Ir pamatotas …

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L’esplosione di Beirut è un business per tutti

Medio Oriente. Un anno dopo gli speculatori gentrificano, la politica si auto-assolve e gli Stati esteri utilizzano gli aiuti per controllare il Libano. Chi può se ne va all’estero, la più grande diaspora dai tempi della guerra civile. Processo in stallo, i familiari delle vittime protestano ogni mese davanti al …

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Mystery Surrounds Hijacking, Disabling of Multiple Ships in Gulf of Oman

The British navy says of Tuesday’s hijacking of a ship off in the Gulf of Oman, following a loss of steering control reported by at least six ships in the area, that the “incident [is] complete.” Clearly, it isn’t. The armed hijackers who boarded the Panama-flagged asphalt tanker Asphalt Princess …

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