
Russia’s Top Diplomat Says Dividing Syria Is A Serious Threat

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned on Wednesday of the consequences of dividing Syria if Washington continues to encourage separatism in the war-torn country. Speaking at a special session of the Valdai International Discussion Club’s Middle East Conference, Lavrov said the frozen state of the Syrian conflict is fraught with …

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The European Union: From a Single Market to a Tragic Farce

Five hundred years from now, when historians look back on the COVID era, they will say that America’s “Operation Warp Speed,” under President Donald J. Trump, was a triumph of science and logistics. Many liberals have a short memory, but the EU has not always been the big, remote machine …

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How the U.S. Should Respond to Russia’s New Escalation in Ukraine

For the better part of six years since Russia and Ukraine signed the Minsk II cease-fire accord for the disputed eastern Ukrainian region of Donbass, one question has loomed: How will the U.S. and NATO respond if Russian troops again cross back over the so-called Line of Contact, dividing Ukrainian …

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Iran blinks first, but real challenge still ahead for nuclear talks

Until now, Tehran’s position has been that there is no need for negotiations, rejecting three offers by the US to restart talks. Iran attempted to sound tough even as it buckled under the pressure of US nuclear diplomacy, and agreed to join renegotiations of the 2015 nuclear deal late Thursday.

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Ex-IDF intel. chief: Israel must continue covert ops in Iran

Maj.-Gen. (ret.) Aharon Ze’evi-Farkash believes that the Biden administration will not rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal before the June Iranian presidential election. “Don’t worry, we are there in Iran; we will make sure they do not cross the line,” said senior Russian officials during a visit to Israel.

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Syria’s civil war can only end with separation

MIDDLE ISRAEL: There are currently two main blueprints for postwar Syria: Assad’s and Vladimir Putin’s. Bibi Netanyahu can only dream of this: 21 straight years in power, absolute electoral victories, no coalition talks, no judiciary to battle and no media to curse. The side effects of this political monopolism – …

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Israel should be wary of Turkey – editorial

Turkey’s sole goal under Erdogan over the last decade has been to isolate Israel and empower Hamas terrorists and Israel’s enemies. Turkey is again rolling out media narratives about “reconciliation” with Israel. The latest attempt by Turkey to influence media narratives on this so-called reconciliation were articles that appeared in …

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How Western Mali Could Become A Gold Mine For Terrorists – Analysis

A flourishing gold mining economy in Kayes offers violent extremist groups an opportunity to expand their membership and reach. On 9 April 2020, al-Qaeda-affiliated groups operating in the Sahel attacked a security and customs post on the Bamako-Kayes road in Mali’s western Kayes region. Four months later, on 5 August, …

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Clashing With Two Great Powers At Once Is Bad Policy – OpEd

Right out of the gate, the Biden administration seems to be at loggerheads with both China and Russia. Richard Nixon would be disappointed. Despite his reputation as an anticommunist, Nixon managed to get China and the Soviet Union in a competition to better relations with the United States. His diplomatic …

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Jordan reportedly foils plot to topple King Abdullah

Arrests of top officials and royal family members are rare in Jordan. Former Jordanian Crown Prince Hamzah bin Hussein has been placed under house arrest amid reports that the kingdom’s security forces have foiled a coup against King Abdullah II. At least 20 Jordanians have been arrested in connection with …

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