
Hamas completed ceasefire negotiations, waiting for the results of negotiations with Israel

Hamas has completed ceasefire negotiations in Cairo and is now waiting to see what the mediators will bring over the weekend in talks with Israel, a Palestinian group official said on Friday, in what appears to be the most serious effort after weeks of negotiations to halt the fighting. Mediators …

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Iran Update, March 4, 2024

Iran reportedly requested Sudanese permission to establish a permanent naval base on the Red Sea coast, which would support Iranian out-of-area naval operations and attacks on international shipping. The Wall Street Journal reported the Iranian request on March 3, citing a senior Sudanese intelligence official.[i] Ahmad Hasan Mohamed—an intelligence adviser …

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Russian President Putin Addresses Russia’s Federal Assembly: ‘The Current U.S. Administration’s Professed Interest In Discussing Strategic Stability With Us Is Merely Demagoguery’

On February 29, 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered an address to Russia’s Federal Assembly. Commenting about his speech, Russian media outlet Vedomosti stated: “This year, [Putin] gave less attention than usual to key geopolitical issues, such as sanctions or the conflict with the West, focusing instead on a comprehensive …

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The Big Lesson From the West’s Last Invasion of Russia

Northern Russia must have felt bitterly cold to U.S. soldiers, even though nearly all were from Michigan. On Sept. 4, 1918, 4,800 U.S. troops landed in Arkhangelsk, Russia, only 140 miles from the Arctic Circle. Three weeks later, they were plunged into battle against the Red Army among towering pine …

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Israeli forces nab Islamic State cell near Hebron

Israeli security personnel last month arrested four Palestinians planning Islamic State-inspired terrorist attacks against troops in Judea and Samaria, the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), Israel Defense Forces and Israel Police cleared for publication on Monday afternoon. The four suspects, named by the Shin Bet as Murad Marqatan, Hasin Marqatan, …

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Guerre en Ukraine : Macron refuse toute «logique d’escalade» avec la Russie

LE POINT SUR LA SITUATION – Emmanuel Macron est revenu dans la presse tchèque sur ses propos tenus le 26 février. Il avait affirmé qu’un envoi de troupes occidentales en Ukraine ne pouvait «être exclu». Alors que le Kremlin réagit à l’affaire des fuites dans l’armée allemande portant sur de …

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Will Egypt accept Palestinian displacement in exchange for debt relief?

Egypt’s stability is crucial for Saudi Arabia and the UAE, but now they’re linking financial aid to the mass displacement of Gazans to Sinai, which poses an even greater threat to Cairo’s national security. As Israel’s brutal military assault on Gaza escalates, reports continue to swirl about a big Egyptian …

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Deactivating US military bases in the Persian Gulf

US weapons are dropping on Gaza, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, so some major Arab states hosting US military bases are now telling Washington ‘You can’t launch from here.’ In West Asia, the bedrock of US power projection lies in its strategically located military bases nestled within the Persian Gulf. …

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China’s unexpected gains from the Red Sea crisis

Despite Beijing’s maritime security priority, Ansarallah’s Red Sea ban on Israeli-linked shipping has boosted China’s regional standing while miring its US adversary in an unwinnable crisis. The Gaza war’s expansion into the Red Sea has created an international maritime crisis involving a host of countries. Despite a US-led bombing campaign …

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‘State-minus’: Biden’s Palestine solution

Three decades after the Oslo Lie, neither the US nor the EU are in any position to dangle the promise of a Palestinian state. Is it sadly ironic that the issue of Palestinian statehood – unresolved for over 75 years – has resurfaced only after Israel’s wholesale carpet-bombing of the …

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