
Prosecution to appeal Suva Reka verdicts

SERBIA, ALBANIA The War Crimes Prosecution has lodged an appeal with the Supreme Court over the verdicts in the 1999 Suva Reka war crimes case. The Supreme Court has been called on to quash the War Crimes Chamber’s decision to acquit Radoslav Mitrović, Nenad Jovanović and Zoran Petković, and to …

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MPs pass decision on resignation of Greceanyi Government II

MOLDOVA The members of the Alliance for European Integration agreed a decision on the resignation of the Greceanyi Government II after criticizing it for its work. Acting Prime Minister Vitalie Parlog did not come to the Parliament to present a report on the executive’s work. The Government’s representative to the …

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Albanian parliament approves new government

ALBANIA Albanian parliament voted Wednesday to approve the Prime Minister Sali Berisha’s new government. Berisha’s chosen ministers were confirmed by parliament late Wednesday in a 74-1 vote. The deputies of the opposition Socialist Party boycotted the session, demanding a probe into the results of parliamentary elections, which they say were …

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Azerbaijanis in Georgia worry about closure of Russia-Azerbaijan land border for them

GEORGIA Azerbaijanis living in Georgia are concerned about Russia’s decision to ban their entry to Russia through the Russia-Azerbaijan land border. “The Azerbaijanis in Georgia have met this news with great concern, because they traveled to Russia through the land borders between Azerbaijan and Russia. The latest decision of the …

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Bulgaria: Agriculture Minister meets US ambassador

BULGARIA Bulgarian Minister of Agriculture and Food Dr. Miroslav Naydenov met Thursday with John Ordway, interim Chargé d’Affaires at the US Embassy in Sofia, ministry’s press office announced. In the frames of the meeting Minister Naydenov presented his plans to establish new type of dialog and cooperation with all partners …

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21 Serbian organizations to run at local elections in Kosovo

A total of 76 “political subjects”, non-attached candidates, civil initiatives and coalitions have registered for the upcoming local elections in Kosovo, scheduled for November 15. Elections Commission chairperson Miradie Mavrici informed that the competition at the local elections will go among 37 Albanian, 21 Serbian, 7 Bosnian, 3 Turkish, 2 …

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Romanian PM meets Pope Benedict XVI in first day of official visit to Italy

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc and Pope Benedict XVI had a short meeting on Wednesday, part of his two-day official visit to Italy. The Government issued a press release stating that Boc thanked the pope for Catholic Church’s support to Romanian communities living outside Romania, especially in Italy. Boc said …

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Victims Protest Hague Tribunal’s Work

BiH Several hundred members of victims’ associations have protested in front of the Hague Tribunal and Prosecution building in Sarajevo, setting photos of judges, prosecutors and indictees on fire. The protest was organised by the Association of Detainees of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Association of Mothers of Srebrenica and Zepa …

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Macedonia Expects Barroso’s Support

MACEDONIA Macedonian Premier Nikola Gruevski hopes that Jose Manuel Barroso’s reelection on Wednesday as head of the European Commission, EC, will be positive for his country. On October 14, the EC will issue its annual report on Macedonia’s reform progress. In a congratulatory letter to Barroso, Gruevski said he hoped …

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EU Comments on Albania’s Elections

ALBANIA The EU has welcomed a monitoring group’s assessment that the June Albanian elections met most OSCE commitments, while noting the conduct of the polls fell short of optimum standards This, according to a written statement from the EU’s Swedish Presidency, confirming receipt of the OSCE/ODHIR Election Observation Mission’s report …

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