
Bulgaria reviews to what extent it can participate in energy projects

BULGARIA Bulgaria should take advantage in the best possible way of the opportunities to develop and participate in common European energy projects, Foreign Minister Rumyana Zheleva said at a press conference. Bulgaria is reviewing to what extent it can participate in the energy projects amid an economic crisis, she said …

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European Integration and European Affairs portfolio established with the Foreign Affairs Ministry

BULGARIA Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Rumyana Zheleva presented her team. The Minister outlined positioning Bulgaria in the center of the European policy as a priority. This means to restore Bulgaria’s access to the European funds. The Ministry is also establishing a portfolio for European Integration and European Affairs. Developing …

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Turkmen leader declares Turkey ‘strategic partner’

Ahead of a planned official visit to Turkey, Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov has stressed common points between his country and Turkey, while declaring the other “a strategic partner” for his country. Turkmen Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov, speaking at a cabinet meeting held on Saturday, informed cabinet members of Berdymukhamedov’s upcoming …

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Russia accuses Ukraine on Georgia

RUSSIA Ukrainian troops fought alongside Georgian forces in the brief conflict last August between Georgia and Russia, Moscow prosecutors say. Regular soldiers, as well as 200 members of a Ukrainian nationalist group, took part in the fighting, the prosecutor general’s office said. The statement comes amid worsening relations between Moscow …

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Ukraine leader hits back at Russia on anniversary

KIEV, Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko criticized domestic and foreign detractors on Monday and said Ukraine needed strong institutions to parry threats to its future prosperity. Yushchenko, whose standing is at rock bottom as he seeks re-election in January, was marking the 18th anniversary of independence from Soviet rule as Ukraine’s …

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“Essential Progress” In Macedonia Name Spat

MACEDONIA Essential progress has been achieved in the Athens-Skopje UN talks over Macedonia’s official name, but a final resolution is still a long way off, Macedonia’s president says. Greece and Macedonia responded last week to the latest set of ideas on the naming dispute put forward by UN mediator Matthew …

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Turmoil Over Former Bosnian Serb Official’s Return

BiH The Bosnian Serb political scene was shaken up over the weekend by the news that prominent former politician Dragan Kalinic may return to public life, after being given permission to do so by Bosnia’s High Representative Valentin Inzko. Kalinic may provide the biggest challenge yet to undisputed Bosnian Serb …

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IMF Mission Arrives in Serbia Today

SERBIA An IMF mission arrives in Belgrade on Monday to review whether Serbia has met the requirements of a €2.92 billion IMF standby loan approved in April. The IMF delegation, headed by Albert Jaeger, is set to meet Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic, Finance Minister Diana Dragutinovic and Labour and …

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Dan Dungaciu: „Unirea cu România, o cale de integrare a Moldovei în UE”

ROMANIA Fostul subsecretar de stat în MAE afirmă că despre un parcurs normal de aderare a Chişinăului la spaţiul comunitar s-ar putea vorbi, cel mai devreme, peste 20 de ani. Este România pregătită să-şi regândească relaţia cu Rusia? Dar Moscova este interesată de o dezgheţare a legăturilor cu Bucureştiul? În …

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Şi totuşi, Ribbentrop-Molotov!

„Parlamentele multor state… consideră înţelegerea încheiată la 23 august 1939, între Guvernul URSS şi Guvernul Germaniei, ca nulă ab initio şi cer lichidarea consecinţelor politico-juridice ale acesteia” (Declaraţia de Independenţă, 27 august 1991) De câte ori a fost condamnat Pactul Ribbentrop-Molotov? De multe ori. Şi în multe locuri. De fiecare …

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