
Komsic takes over rotating BiH presidency chairmanship

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Zeljko Komsic, the Croat member of BiH’s tripartite presidency, took over the chairmanship of the institution Monday (July 6th) based on the usual rotation. His term will last eight months. His predecessor was the Serb member of the presidency, Nebojsa Radmanovic.

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Barack Obama criticises Kremlin during Moscow visit

President Barack Obama courted the anger of his Russian hosts by defending Georgia’s right to join Nato and criticising the Kremlin for seeking to dominate its neighbours. He mounted a robust defence of Georgian and Urkainian sovereignty when he delivered the third major foreign policy speech of his presidency at …

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Bosnia peace walk to commemorate Srebrenica anniversary

Sarajevo -Around 2,500 people began a three day Peace March on Wednesday to commemorate the 14th anniversary of Srebrenica massacre. The 111 kilometre long march will end on Saturday at the Memorial Park Potocari near Srebrenica where some 8,000 people were murdered by Bosnian Serb troops in 1995. The march …

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Romanian president hopes Moldova opposition wins

BUCHAREST, Romania Romania’s president said Tuesday he hopes pro-Romanian opposition forces will prevail in Moldovan elections. Traian Basescu said in a meeting with foreign journalists that he wants the “democratic forces, the opposition to the current government to have better results after the election.”

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Sofia to elect new mayor on October 24

The election of a new mayor of Sofia, to replace Boiko Borissov who is girding up to become Prime Minister of Bulgaria, will take place on October 24 2009, the Municipal Election Commission said on July 8 2009. Borissov’s party, GERB, won a majority in Bulgaria’s parliamentary elections on July …

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Observers Concerned Over Bulgaria Election

International observers say that Bulgaria’s July 5 general elections were a cause for some concern amid vote-buying accusations, but stress that the outcome of the poll reflected the will of the people. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, OSCE, and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, …

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Jordan Recognises Kosovo’s Independence

Jordan has recognised Kosovo’s independence, making it the 61st country to do so, Albana Beqiri, advisor to the Kosovo Foreign Ministry said yesterday. Jordan is the first country to recognise Kosovo’s independence in the past two months. Sixty-one states have now recognised Kosovo as an independent nation since it’s unilateral …

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EU: Macedonia Needs Tangible Results

Macedonia has to produce some concrete results very soon if it wishes to make a positive impression before the European Commission drafts its report on the country’s progress this fall, the EU ambassador to the country said. At a press conference in Skopje yesterday afternoon, EU Ambassador to Macedonia Erwan …

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