
South Stream Row Erupts in South Serbia

A fierce row over the route that the South Stream gas pipeline will take through Serbia has erupted in the city of Nis, after Belgrade backtracked on earlier promises. Local authorities in Nis are demanding written guarantees from the government that the country’s largest southern city will not be left …

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Macedonia’s DUI Gives Deadline For NATO

The ruling ethnic Albanian party in Macedonia has given a deadline to its bigger coalition partner to solve the burning name row with Greece and move the country’s stalled Euro Atlantic integration forward by the end of the year. “The grace period that (the Democratic Union for Integration), DUI gave …

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Romania President Cancels Trip to Moldova

Romania’s president has canceled a planned trip to Moldova’s capital Chisinau where he was due to take part in the South East European Cooperation Process, SEECP, on 5 June. In a statement late Wednesday, the president’s office said his participation is “no longer current,” due to the events following the …

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Kosovo Lobbies for More Recognitions

Kosovo’s foreign minister Skender Hyseni landed in New York Tuesday, beginning a round of over 30 meetings to lobby for more countries to recognise Kosovo’s independence. Since its declaration of independence in February 2008, Kosovo has been recognised by 60 countries around the world, helped by lobbying efforts from both …

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Nema potvrde da je Stanković u Srbiji

Author: Mirza Čubro SARAJEVO – Srbijanske obavještajne i sigurnosne agencije nemaju informacija da se u Srbiji krije Radovan Stanković, koji je prije dvije godine pobjegao iz zatvora u Foči nakon što je pravosnažno osuđen za ratni zločin. “Nemamo nikakvih saznanja da se Stanković nalazi u Srbiji. Naše agencije nisu prikupile …

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Prevoz opasnih materija i dalje blokira put u Evropu

Author: Mirza Čubro SARAJEVO – Predstavnici državne i entitetskih vlada jučer u Sarajevu nisu uspjeli usaglasiti Prijedlog zakona o prevozu opasnih materija, jednog od šest zakona čije je usvajanje uslov za ukidanje viza građanima BiH. Ministarstvo prometa i komunikacija BiH oragniziralo je ovu ministarsku konferenciju o izradi Prijedloga zakona o …

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OIC adopts Kosovo resolution

PRISTINA, Kosovo Foreign ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) stopped short of calling for recognition of Kosovo’s independence, but voiced their support for its development. In a resolution approved on Monday (May 25th), the ministers praised “the progress made towards strengthening democracy, by serving peace and stability in …

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Inzko highlights BiH Constitutional Court’s role

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) High Representative Valentin Inzko visited the Constitutional Court on Monday (May25th) and met with Court President Seada Palavric. “The Constitutional Court of BiH is the institution of the outmost importance which enables BiH authorities to function and act in accordance with the BiH Constitution,” Inzko …

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