
Drone-Operator Training Becomes New Front In Ukraine’s Fight Against Russia’s Invasion – Analysis

Ruslan, a 41-year-old former sales manager who asked that his surname be withheld for security reasons, started learning the ropes of drone warfare in the immediate wake of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February. Ruslan’s unit of part-time reservists was near Kyiv’s Hostomel airport on the first day of …

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Seven Things To Know About Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s Likely New Catholic PM

Italy’s national elections on Sept. 25 ended with Giorgia Meloni, a Catholic mother, poised to become the country’s first female prime minister. In the snap elections — called after former prime minister Mario Draghi’s unity government collapsed due to economic and military tensions — Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party captured …

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Putin’s Botched Mobilization And Nuclear Non-Option – Analysis

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s September 21 address to the nation could prove to be one of his most fateful blunders in his disastrous war in Ukraine. In his 15-minute pre-recorded speech, Putin announced support for the referendums in four Ukrainian regions, declared partial mobilization in Russia, accused the West of …

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A Return To Austerity In Europe: Feasible Or Fictional? – Analysis

Inflationary pressure, rising levels of public debt and the fading post-pandemic recovery may suggest the premature adoption of policies for fiscal consolidation. However, the international economic outlook and the geopolitical situation created by the war in Ukraine rule out a return to the model of growth that emerged from the …

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The Ukraine–Russia Conflict And Nuclear Misinformation – Analysis

On 21 September 2022, and to an extent, even on 22 September 2022, Indian and international media flashed the statement of President Vladimir Putin that Russia “…will certainly make use of all weapon systems available to us. This is not a bluff.”1 Some media reports also carried Putin’s remarks prefacing …

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Etiketiranje Giorgie Meloni s fašistko je pretiravanje, četudi je njena stranka zelo desna, nacionalistična in z močno socialno agendo.

Zmaga desne koalicije na italijanskih parlamentarnih volitvah, prejela je okoli 44 odstotkov glasov, ne prinaša sprememb le v Italiji, saj najbolj desne vlade po drugi svetovni vojni ne bo čutiti le doma, ampak verjetno tudi širše, v Evropski uniji in zvezi Nato. Največ zaslug za to ima vsekakor karizmatična Giorgina …

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Did Russia sabotage its own pipelines?

Putin has been steadily seeking to up the ante on the West It almost seems worthy of the opening scene in a Bond film. Vital Russian gas pipelines running beneath the Baltic Sea close to Denmark and Sweden are the victims of sabotage. The two countries have warned of leaks …

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The New Energy Order

How Governments Will Transform Energy Markets In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the world appears to be at an inflection point. Business leaders have declared the acceleration of deglobalization and sounded the alarm about a new period of stagflation. Academics have decried the return of conquest and hailed …

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Iran’s Crisis of Legitimacy

An Embattled Regime Faces Mass Protests—and an Ailing Supreme Leader Early this month, the Iranian rumor mill cranked into overdrive amid reports that Iran’s 83-year-old supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who survived prostate cancer surgery in 2014, was again gravely ill. On September 16, the New York Times reported that …

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Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Named Kingdom’s Prime Minister

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been named the kingdom’s prime minister, a position traditionally held by the king. Prince Mohammed, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, is first in line to succeed his father as king, who announced the new position on Tuesday in a royal …

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