
Supporters of Iraq’s al-Sadr leave Green Zone after violence

Protesters respond to call by Shia leader Muqtada al-Sadr to leave Green Zone after clashes leave 30 people dead. Iraqi supporters of powerful Shia leader Moqtada Sadr have withdrawn from Baghdad’s high-security Green Zone after after deadly violence overnight rocked the Iraqi capital. Tuesday’s move came shortly after al-Sadr called …

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Quelle place pour la sobriété dans nos modes de vie ?

Changement climatique, déclin rapide et massif des espèces, recul continu du jour du dépassement, accroissement des inégalités… À mesure que les signaux d’alerte sociaux et environnementaux se multiplient, nos modes de développement apparaissent de plus en plus incompatibles avec un avenir positif et durable. Dans ce contexte, le modèle économique …

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Cuando decimos “fin de la abundancia”, ¿de qué hablamos?

Hemos de agradecer a Macron que rompiese parcialmente el consenso discursivo negador de la realidad que hasta hoy siguen defendiendo las élites económicas, políticas y mediáticas: la abundancia energética y la plétora mercantil son cosa del pasado El presidente de la República Francesa habló del fin de la abundancia, y …

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Why does Kherson matter?

Ukraine’s southern offensive marks a new phase of the war On february 24th the Russian army invaded Ukraine. It quickly became bogged down around Kyiv, the capital, but within a week it had captured its first major city: Kherson, the capital of the southern province of the same name. Kherson …

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У вас фронт посыпался

У Украины нет бронетехники для масштабного наступления на юге, но российская армия уже готова бежать Вчера началось событие, которое давно можно было предсказать, и предсказывал его, в частности, Алексей Арестович: российский фронт под Херсоном посыпался. Украинские войска не начали масштабного наступления. Это очень важно понять. Судя по всему, перед ними …

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Fighting between U.S. troops and militias draws scrutiny to Syria role

Clashes between U.S. troops and Iran-backed militias in Syria this month have prompted new scrutiny of the Pentagon’s mission in Syria, as tit-for-tat strikes threaten to escalate tensions in the region. The U.S. decision to target facilities in eastern Syria on Tuesday — which officials say had been used to …

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Iraqi forces launch a fresh operation against ISIS in Kirkuk

This is the sixth phase of the military campaign, dubbed Solid Will, according to Security Media Cell. The Iraqi forces launched a new sweeping operation against the remnants of ISIS in the remote areas between Kirkuk and Nineveh on early Saturday, according to the military’s media.

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Egypt hosts five-state Arab summit

The recent summit hosted by Egypt between the leaders of five Arab countries may serve as a prelude to more joint action on security and economic development. Amid the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war, a rise in global inflation rates, tension between China and Taiwan, as well the repercussions of the coronavirus …

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Hamas condemns Turkey-Israel normalization

Hamas has condemned Turkish-Israeli normalization, which raises questions on its impact on the good Turkey-Hamas relations and the residency of some of its leaders in its territory. The Palestinian Hamas movement has spoken out against the recent Israeli-Turkish rapprochement. In a tweet on Aug. 25, Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem said …

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International Debt: A Tale of Two Stories

The International Debt Statistics (2022) published by the World Bank has revealed that the external debt of 123 low- and middle-income countries have increased on average 5.6 percent to $8.7 trillion in 2020. It shows devastating impact of the pandemic on economy of the developing countries. The G20 creditors have …

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