
NATO and a War Foretold

As NATO holds its Summit in Madrid on June 28-30, the war in Ukraine is taking center stage. During a pre-Summit June 22 talk with Politico, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg bragged about how well-prepared NATO was for this fight because, he said: “This was an invasion that was predicted, …

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Conflicting reports on Islamic State leader arrested in US operation in north Syria

The US-led coalition has revealed the identity of the Islamic State leader it arrested during an airdrop operation in northern Syria, saying he was a prominent bombmaker. But some Syrian opposition sources say they got the wrong man. The US military revealed the identity of the Islamic State (IS) leader …

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Syrian armed groups clash outside Aleppo

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham entered the areas under the control of Turkish-backed factions in the countryside of Aleppo. Violent clashes erupted between the so-called 32nd Division affiliated with Ahrar al-Sham and the Third Legion, which is a merger of Turkish-backed factions, including the Levant Front and Jaish al-Islam, in the villages …

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Iran media publishes conflicting reports over status of nuclear talks in Qatar

Indirect talks in Qatar have made little or no progress on restarting nuclear deal, Islamic Republic outlets agree. According to Tasnim News Agency, the indirect talks in Qatar between Iran and the United States to revive the nuclear deal have come to an end without progress. An “informed source” quoted …

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Greece’s Press Is the Latest Casualty of Mitsotakis’ War on Migrants

Earlier this month, Journalists Without Borders’ annual World Press Freedom Index placed Greece last among European Union countries for press freedom, citing a number of challenges faced by journalists in the country. The index suggests that Greece is a country in which democratic norms are in serious crisis. Journalists covering …

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Europe’s Refugee Programs Are Enforcing a Double Standard

Amid the horror that has befallen Ukraine and its people, one rare uplifting aspect of the tragedy is the remarkably warm and generous reception that Ukrainian refugees fleeing the carnage have received from European nations. Not only have governments across the continent rushed to develop the legal and logistical infrastructure …

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Gra pozorów na szczycie NATO? W razie wojny Tallinn i Suwałki mogą nie doczekać odsieczy

Na stałe bazy NATO na wschodniej flance się nie zapowiada. Sojusz ograniczy się do powiększenia sił szybkiego reagowania. W razie wojny ich odsiecz nastąpi dopiero wtedy, gdy Moskwa zdąży zamienić Estonię czy Przesmyk Suwalski w połączenie Buczy z Mariupolem.

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Το μεγάλο παζάρι στο ΝΑΤΟ και τα κέρδη του Ερντογάν

Ο σκληρός εκβιασμός Ερντογάν έπιασε, οδηγώντας σε μια ταπεινωτική, σε ορισμένα σημεία της, Συμφωνία με τη Σουηδία και τη Φινλανδία, που επιτρέπει στις δυο χώρες να ξεκινήσουν την ενταξιακή διαδικασία στο ΝΑΤO και προσφέρει στον Τούρκο ηγέτη την ευκαιρία να εμφανισθεί σήμερα στη Σύνοδο Κορυφής του ΝΑΤΟ ως ο «σωτήρας» …

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CHP’ye, İP’e rağmen, NATO hatasını kabul etti: PKK terör örgütüdür!

Türkiye’nin yönetiminde Tayyip Erdoğan olmasaydı.. İsveç ve Finlandiya’nın NATO üyeliği ile ilgili prosedürde, bu günlerde yürüyen süreç yaşanır mıydı? Türkiye’nin bu iki ülkenin NATO’ya üyeliği ile ilgili talepleri veto edeceği açıklaması gelir miydi?

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