
Jetzt kommt es auf Entschlossenheit und die Bundeswehr an

Putin macht Litauen und Deutschland als Schwachpunkte der Nato aus. Doch die haben das Glück, Verbündete zu haben und ihnen vertrauen zu dürfen. Ein Kommentar. Christoph von Marschall Es kann einem Angst werden angesichts der rhetorischen Eskalation. Moskau wirft Litauen „feindselige Handlungen“ vor, weil es die EU-Sanktionen gegen Russland auf …

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Great Power Competition Is Coming for the Arctic. NATO Should Prepare

Since Feb. 24, the eyes of the world have been fixed on Eastern Europe. But the events unfolding in and around Ukraine portend great changes for another region: the Arctic. Commonly viewed as a “territory of dialogue,” the Arctic has over the past three decades won a reputation as a …

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Reckoning With the Iraq War Would Strengthen the U.S. Hand on Russia

Ever since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine last week, comparisons to the United States’ 2003 invasion of Iraq have inevitably and understandably emerged. After all, at transformative moments in world history like the one we’re currently witnessing, analysts naturally draw historical analogies to make sense of …

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The U.S. Failure in Afghanistan Is Not Pakistan’s Fault

The anger directed by Americans at Pakistan in the wake of the disorderly end of the U.S. war in Afghanistan is understandable. After all, Pakistan really did give shelter to the Afghan Taliban, something that played a vital role in the Taliban’s eventual victory. However, the reaction in Washington is …

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In an Age of Proxy Wars, the U.S. Is Playing With Fire

Ukraine wasn’t supposed to stand much of a chance in a military conflict with Russia. It was outgunned and outmanned. In the first months of 2022, as the threat of an invasion loomed, the Russian military was expected to quickly and decisively defeat its much weaker neighbor with ease. Many …

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Arabs to Biden: Shut Down Iran’s ‘Expansionist Project’

Ahead of Biden’s visit, the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, in a clear message to the US administration and other Western powers, affirmed that any nuclear agreement or future negotiations with Iran must address the Iranians’ “destabilizing behavior in the region, their support for terrorist militias, and their missile program.” “Western …

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Rusya-Ukrayna Savaşı kaynaklı gıda krizinin çözümünde ‘kırmızı hat diplomasisi’ sonuç veriyor

Gıda krizinin çözümü ve Ukrayna limanlarında bekleyen tahıl yüklü gemilerin tahliyesine yönelik Türk ve Rus askeri heyetleri arasındaki toplantı dün Moskova’da yapıldı. Gıda krizinin çözümü ve Ukrayna limanlarında bekleyen tahıl yüklü gemilerin tahliyesine yönelik Türk ve Rus askeri heyetleri arasında dün yapılan toplantıda, “Sorunun çözümüne yönelik Türkiye, Rusya, Ukrayna ve …

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Hamas to restore Syria ties after 10 years of dispute, sources say

The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas has decided to restore ties with Syria, 10 years after its leadership shunned Damascus over opposition to President Bashar al-Assad’s crackdown on a revolt against his rule, two sources within the group told Reuters. One official who asked not to be named said the two …

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Turkey, Saudi hail ‘new era of cooperation’ as prince visits

Turkey and Saudi Arabia on Wednesday declared their determination to start a “new era of cooperation” during a visit by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, as they set aside years of acrimony following the brutal slaying of a Saudi columnist. The Turkish fiancée of the slain journalist meanwhile, decried …

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Crises of migrants and refugees–where should homeless millions go?

The history of humankind of the past hundred years have thrown up a gamut of emotions and heart-wrenching crises. An accentuating challenge is the displacement of millions upon millions of peoples throughout the planet. People are forced to flee or migrate from their homeland or places of birth for a …

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