
Brak statusu kandydata do UE dla Gruzji będzie historycznym błędem [OPINIA]

W 2008 r. NATO nie przyznało Ukrainie i Gruzji Planu Działań na rzecz Członkostwa w NATO (tzw. MAP – Membership Action Plan). Stało się to w wyniku osobistej perswazji Władimira Putina podczas szczytu Sojuszu w Bukareszcie. Kreml odczytał odmowę NATO jako słabość Zachodu i jeszcze w tym samym roku …

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Szép vagy okos?

Minden kétséget kizáróan történelmet ír az Európai Unió: Ukrajna tagjelöltsége kérdésében rendkívüli jelentőségű döntést hozott. Hogy milyen történelmet írunk épp, az viszont a jövő zenéje. Ebben a kérdésben ugyanis nem lehet egyszerre szépnek és okosnak is lenni, az uniós döntéshozók pedig egyelőre a szépet választották. A rendkívüli helyzet kétségtelenül rendkívüli …

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Second tour des législatives 2022: les fautes d’Emmanuel Macron

Les Français ont sanctionné dimanche le chef de l’Etat, qui perd sa majorité absolue à l’Assemblée et devra composer avec nombre de députés Nupes et un important groupe d’extrême droite. Une claque due aussi à son rapport très vertical au pouvoir. La gifle. Les Français, en tout cas ceux qui …

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Nach Wahl in Frankreich: Emmanuel Macrons Macht bröckelt

Bei den französischen Parlamentswahlen muss Emmanuel Macron eine Schlappe hinnehmen. Warum die Franzosen den Präsidenten abstraften. Die Bilder gingen um die Welt: Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron, der mit Kanzler Olaf Scholz und Italiens Regierungschef Mario Draghi im Zug nach Kiew saß und dann den ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj umarmte. Der …

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Leaders Of Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan Discuss US Regional Summit To Be Hosted By Saudi Arabia

The US regional summit in Jeddah, scheduled for next month, topped the agenda of a trilateral meeting between Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Bahrain King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa and Jordan’s King Abdullah in Sharm El-Sheikh on Sunday. US President Joe Biden will visit Jeddah on July 15-16, where he …

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NATO Chief Says Ukraine War Could Last For Years

Russia’s war against Ukraine could last for years, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned Sunday, but he said Western allies should not curb their support for Kyiv’s forces. “We must prepare for the fact that it could take years,” Stoltenberg told the German weekly Bild am Sonntag. “We must not let …

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The War America Is Waging Against Europe

Europe is more dependent upon Russia for the fuels that heat it in winter, cool it in summer, heat its water year-round, and energize its factories, than is any other part of the world, but heavy pressures from Washington have driven its leaders — most of them (other than Ursula …

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How Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine Has Affected Kazakh Politics

In January, everything changed in Kazakhstan. A series of demonstrations rocked the country, spreading from its oil-rich west to the commercial and cultural capital, Almaty. The protests exploded out of long-simmering demands for a fairer distribution of Kazakhstan’s wealth but rapidly turned against the political system, only to be crushed …

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The Great Crash Of 2022

We are now well past the corona crisis of 2020, and most of the restrictions around the world have been repealed or loosened. However, the long-term consequences of arbitrary and destructive corona policies are still with us—in fact, we are now in the middle of the inevitable economic crisis. Proclaiming …

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Macron’s Mixed Messages on Ukraine Come With a Cost

French President Emmanuel Macron came under heavy criticism recently for suggesting that Europe must find a way to broker a settlement to the war in Ukraine that avoids “humiliating” Russia. Macron subsequently clarified that he staunchly supports Ukraine’s war efforts, which France has been actively assisting, including by providing weapons …

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