
Зависимите от руски газ със сметки в рубли страдат най-много

Коментарът е от профила на автора във фейсбук. Чета преди два дни текст, който твърдеше колко сигурен и евтин е руският газ и как няма нищо лошо да сме напълно зависими от руския газ. Цялата ирония е, че буквално минути по-късно “Газпром” се погрижи да обори всички тези “аргументи”. И …

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Wielka trójka UE w Kijowie, ale bez Dudy

Macron, Scholz, Draghi plus prezydent Rumunii odwiedzili Ukrainę, gdy w Europie narastają nastroje antywojenne. Wizyta zbiegła się z sondażem europejskiej Rady Polityki Zagranicznej, niezależnej „fabryki myśli”. Z sondażu wynika, że Europa pragnie jak najszybszego zakończenia wojny w Ukrainie, nawet za cenę ustępstw wobec Rosji Putina. Wśród narodów objętych badaniem wyróżnia …

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Iranian, Russian Delegations Meet In Kazakhstan

The Iranian delegation led by senior adviser to the Iranian foreign minister for special political affairs, Ali Asghar Khaji, met with the Russian delegation on the first day of the 18th round of the international meetings of the Astana process in the Kazakh city of Nur Sultan. During the meeting, …

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Ukraine’s Losses Are China’s Gains

The conflict in Ukraine will have major strategic consequences for Chinese foreign policy in the Indo-Pacific. It will promote the deepening of Russian–Chinese economic cooperation that will make both countries more resilient to Western economic pressure. Long-term instability in Europe will make it more difficult for the United States to …

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How Ukraine Will Win

Kyiv’s Theory of Victory As Russia’s all-out war of aggression in Ukraine drags on for a fourth consecutive month, calls for dangerous deals are getting louder. As fatigue grows and attention wanders, more and more Kremlin-leaning commentators are proposing to sell out Ukraine for the sake of peace and economic …

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Macron Must Avoid the Immolation of French Influence

President Macron’s aspiration to mediate between Putin, who does not respect him, and Ukraine, which does not trust him, is damaging French influence at a time when European leadership is critical. French President Emmanuel Macron has once again put himself forward as the leading voice for a negotiated end to …

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Russia’s Ukraine Invasion: The Most Dangerous Phase is Upon Us

In the gathering war of attrition in Ukraine, Russia has the upper hand – and Ukraine’s only hope is for international support to now be stepped up. The Russian war in Ukraine is entering its third stage and is finally becoming a war of attrition. This requires readiness not only …

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How Extreme Views on Ukraine and the West Went Mainstream in Russia

In recent years, hard-line views once limited to ultra-nationalist Russian politicians like Vladimir Zhirinovsky have increasingly been espoused by the highest levels of the country’s leadership. How has this happened? The war in Ukraine has prompted much soul-searching among Russia watchers and policymakers, to try to consider where we might …

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The Return of Industrial Warfare

Can the West still provide the arsenal of democracy? The war in Ukraine has proven that the age of industrial warfare is still here. The massive consumption of equipment, vehicles and ammunition requires a large-scale industrial base for resupply – quantity still has a quality of its own. The mass …

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Später Besuch in Kiew

Besser spät als nie. Lange hat der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyi auf hohen Besuch aus Berlin, Paris oder Rom gewartet. 93 Tage nach dem ersten Besuch eines EU-Staats- oder Regierungschefs sind nun die Vertreter der EU-Schwergewichte in Kiew eingetroffen: Italiens Premier Mario Draghi, der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron und der …

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