
Forget Sputnik. Russian Propaganda Has other Paths into North Macedonia

Disappointed with the West, lacking trust in local leaders, and served a diet of Serbian media, many in North Macedonia are vulnerable to Russia’s wartime propaganda. When the letter Z, a symbol of support for Russia’s war in Ukraine, appeared on facades in the town of Bitola, in the southwest …

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Russian labor market and its prospects for Indians

Does Russia need workers? The labor force in Russia is gradually declining. This indicator reached its peak in 2008-2011. Then the labor market was 76 million people, or 53% of the total population of the country. By 2020 that figure has fallen below 73 million, less than 51% of the …

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Communication and Capitalism

Many people would quite correctly argue that the conceptual pair of “communication and capitalism” are more about capitalism than communication and the media. While the imperatives of capitalism carry on, the requirements of corporate media become ever more determining. More and more, the media – print, TV, online, etc. – …

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The Dollar and Delusional Assumptions about Sanctions against Russia

Sanctions are a form of warfare, and few would deny that we have moved into a new era of economic warfare with sanctions, led by the US, have become the norm, rather than the exception. This was the conclusion recently of the pro-Western World Economic Forum. If there is general …

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Rouble Gains, Euro Falls As Russia Cuts Gas Supplies To Bulgaria and Poland

The euro plummeted to a five-year low against the US dollar during Wednesday’s trading, amid heightened fears of a possible energy crisis and an economic slowdown in Europe. Media reports from Europe said: As of 11:01am GMT, the euro/dollar exchange rate was down to $1.061 from the previous closing level …

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham hands over Islamic State jihadists to Turkey

The Idlib-based group’s decision to hand over several jihadis to Turkey, including two men affiliated with the Islamic State, come as part of HTS’s attempt to present itself as more moderate. Reports about Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) handing over foreign jihadis to Turkey in exchange for being removed from international …

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Pour s’affranchir de la Russie, l’Europe mise sur le gaz africain

Depuis l’invasion de l’Ukraine le 24 février, les pays européens ont décidé de diversifier leurs sources d’approvisionnement en gaz en misant sur l’Afrique. L’Afrique fournit en ce moment, 10% du gaz européen. Un chiffre qui devrait augmenter dans les trois prochaines années. L’Italie par exemple, très dépendante du gaz russe, …

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NATO Secretary Offers Quick Admission for Finland and Sweden

“If they decide to apply, Finland and Sweden will be welcomed with open arms,” Stoltenberg said at the European Parliament in Brussels. On Thursday, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary Jens Stoltenberg promised Finland and Sweden to quickly process their applications to join his organization. “If they decide to …

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IMF: Oil producers better prepared for Ukraine-related economic downturn

The International Monetary Fund’s report also highlighted currency depreciation in Egypt, economic effects of the war in Yemen and Jordan’s fledgling tourism sector. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its economic outlook for the Middle East today. The report from the DC-based financial institution highlighted the economic effects of the …

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Turkey may ‘lock’ borders with Syria and Iraq to deal with Kurdish militants

There is speculation about a secret deal between Ankara and Baghdad eyeing a contiguous, 30-kilometer-deep buffer from Syria to Iraq. Turkey’s fresh military operation against Kurdish militants in northern Iraq, under way since April 18, has sparked debates in the Iraqi parliament over claims of a secret deal between the …

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