
Supreme Leader Warns US of Endangered Energy Supply

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei Sunday warned the United States that any wrong move on Iran would “definitely endanger energy flow in the region.” “If you make a wrong move on Iran, definitely the energy flow in this region will be …

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Global unpopularity of war ties US hands on Iran

VIENNA — A proposed deal to end Iran’s disputed nuclear programme highlights a new and unflattering reality facing the United States: American intercessions overseas will be seen through the prism of an Iraq war that is highly unpopular around the globe.

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World powers await Tehran’s response to nuclear proposals

VIENNA (AFP) — Iran is insisting that it will not give up its nuclear rights, despite being given just “weeks” by world powers to suspend uranium enrichment or face the consequences. “Pressure by certain Western countries aiming to make us abandon our [nuclear] rights will not show results,” Iranian President …

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 Iranul respinge oferta Statelor Unite de negocieri directe pe tema programului nuclear. AgenÅ£ia oficială de presă de la Teheran susÅ£ine că propunerea americană este doar „o miÅŸcare de propagandă”. Iranienii afirmă că nu vor accepta condiÅ£ia pusă de Washington – suspendarea îmbogăţirii uraniului.

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Russian envoy to visit Iran for nuclear meeting

TEHRAN (AFP) — A top Russian envoy is due in Iran on Saturday for talks on Tehran’s controversial nuclear programme, with the world community still unable to reach consensus on how to tackle the escalating crisis. Russian National Security Council chief Igor Ivanov is expected to hold talks with Iran’s …

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UN seeks to persuade Sudan to accept peacekeepers

KHARTOUM (Reuters) — Senior diplomats will seek to persuade Khartoum on Tuesday to accept UN peacekeepers in the violent Darfur region after UN chief Kofi Annan accused Sudan of violating international law.

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Israel seeks cruise missiles — sources

TEL AVIV (Reuters) — Israel has speeded up efforts to develop long-range cruise missiles of a type that could be used should the Jewish state try to strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities, security sources said on Tuesday.

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