Middle Orient

Khatib joins Quartet meeting

FOREIGN MINISTER Abdul Ilah Khatib left Monday for New York to join a meeting today of the Quartet of diplomatic powers seeking Middle East peace and hoping to revive its stalled efforts and unify its approach to the  new Palestinian leadership.

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Postul arab de televiziune Al-Jazeera a dat publicităţii o înregistrare audio cu liderul reÅ£elei teroriste Al Qaida, Osama bin Laden. ÃŽn mesaj, el acuză Occidentul că duce un război împotriva Islamului. Bin Laden cere de altfel boicotarea tuturor produselor americane ÅŸi pe cele din ţările solidare Danemarcei în scandalul privind …

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Blasts rock Egyptian Sinai resort, 30 killed

Three explosions struck the Egyptian Sinai resort town of Dahab on Monday night, killing more than 30 people and wounding 150 others. The blasts took place at about 7:15 p.m. local time (1315 EDT) in an area frequented by tourists. The Egyptian Interior Ministry said the explosions hit the Nelson and Aladdin …

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