Middle Orient

Starmer’s silence on human rights in Saudi Arabia speaks volumes

As exiled activists, we were stunned to see the former human rights lawyer cosying up to Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman. Keir Starmer’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia laid bare the moral bankruptcy of Britain’s foreign policy – a policy that eagerly courts despots while slamming its doors on …

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The Assads’ Houses of Death

In an interview, Anne-Marie McManus discusses Syria’s prison system and its importance in the country’s transition. Yezid Sayigh: It’s been over a month since a coalition of groups led by the Islamist militia, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, overthrew Bashar al-Assad’s regime, ending a 50-year family dictatorship. Can you give some context …

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Iran Update, January 11, 2025

The Hayat Tahrir al Sham (HTS)-led Syrian interim government announced that it thwarted an attempted Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) attack on a prominent Shia shrine outside Damascus. The Syrian Interior Ministry announced on January 11 the arrest of ISIS members who were planning a suicide bombing attack …

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Un avertissement à Israël et aux États-Unis : Le Yémen n’est pas la Syrie

Le Yémen, longtemps considéré comme une victime d’une agression extérieure, est en train de réécrire les règles d’engagement au Moyen-Orient. En ciblant Israël et les marines américaine et britannique avec une précision sans faille, Ansarullah a acculé ses adversaires à une situation ingagnable. Depuis le lancement de l’opération «Déluge d’Al-Aqsa» …

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Tehran’s triad: propaganda, proxies, and preparedness

The regime in Tehran finds itself increasingly besieged by challenges, ranging from the faltering influence of its regional proxies to the prospect of an Israeli strike on its nuclear facilities, potentially bolstered by US support. In response, the Islamic Republic has devised a three-pronged strategy: bolstering morale through a reinvigorated …

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Turkey Is Preparing to Invade Syria, Then Israel?

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is making no effort to disguise his ambitions. In a bold declaration following the first meeting of Turkey’s cabinet, Erdogan made it clear that he intends to target the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). His message to Washington was unequivocal: “A new era has begun in …

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Après l’Irak, la Libye, Gaza, le Liban et la Syrie, le Pentagone attaque le Yémen

C’est une course contre la montre que le Pentagone a enclenchée avant que le président Donald Trump prenne ses fonctions. Après avoir détruit l’Iraq, le Libye, Gaza, le Liban et la Syrie, il lance ses hommes contre le Yémen. Ne prenez pas les apparences pour la réalité : officiellement Israël …

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Le découpage de la Syrie crée une frontière de facto entre Israël et la Turquie, garantissant une guerre plus large au Moyen-Orient

«Un plan pour les guider tous : La dissolution de la Syrie et de l’Irak (…) en zones ethniquement ou religieusement uniques (…) est l’objectif principal d’Israël (…) tandis que la dissolution de la puissance militaire de ces États sert d’objectif principal à court terme. La Syrie se désagrégera en …

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ISIS – The return to Europe

In short Over the last decade, ISIS is one of the most ferocious terror organizations in the world. Its horrible techniques of torturing and slaughtering its enemies (which is pretty much everyone else) is considered extreme even for other terrorists and gave it during its prime days a vile reputation.

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Syrians divided as HTS grants military ranks to foreign fighters

In-depth: The decision by Syria’s new de facto leader to grant high-ranking military titles to HTS commanders, including foreign fighters, has raised concerns. The decision by Syria’s interim authorities to grant a slew of senior military ranks to leaders of Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) and its allied factions, including non-Syrians, …

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