
Serb Group Seeks Grave of WWII Guerrilla Leader

A Chicago-based Serb group said Monday it is offering a $100,000 reward for anyone who can locate the grave of a World War II guerrilla leader executed as a traitor by the Communists. The burial site of Dragoljub Draza Mihailovic has been unknown since his execution in 1946 by the …

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NATO Bombing of Serbia ‘Was Right’

NATO’s air attack on the former Yugoslavia a decade ago was “the right thing to do” and had improved the lives of Kosovo Albanians and Serbs, the US envoy Richard Holbrooke argues. Speaking at the Brussels Forum conference on Saturday, Holbrooke, a former envoy to the Balkans and currently United …

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Serbia, Croatia ’Like France & Germany’

Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader has hailed his visit to Serbia over the weekend as significant in reviving dialogue between the one-time bitter foes, and likened their relationship to that of France and Germany. Speaking to Serbia’s state news agency, Tanjug, Sanader said Serbia and Croatia had a difficult past …

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Serbia’s Bank Governor Talks of Crisis

In the midst of talks with the International Monetary Fund, IMF, Serbia’s central bank governor Radovan Jelasic shed some light behind some the measures the government is taking to tackle the effects of the global economic slowdown. Speaking at a conference titled Global crisis: Can We take a break from …

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Djelic says EC will ease visa regime for Serbia by year’s end

BELGRADE, Serbia — Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic insisted on Wednesday (March 18th) that Serbia would receive a positive assessment from the EU Council of Ministers and would join the countries on the so-called White Schengen List before the end of the year.

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World Bank approves $13.5 million for Serbia Health Project

The World Bank Board of Directors today approved a $13.5 million loan in additional financing for the Serbia Health Project. The aim of the project is to develop a sustainable, performance-oriented health care system where providers are rewarded for quality and efficiency. Building on the achievements of the Serbia Health …

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Sanader in Official Visit to Belgrade

Croatian prime minister Ivo Sanader will arrive in Belgrade on Friday, his first visit to Serbia after relations between the two countries took a drastic turn for the worse last year when Zagreb recognised Kosovo’s independence. According to the Croatian HINA agency, the visit is expected to lead to an …

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EULEX Chief Visits Belgrade

The head of Kosovo’s Rule of Law mission, EULEX, visited Belgrade on Friday in order to find a ”pragmatic solution” to many of the outstanding issues that have dogged his mission since its launch in December last year. It is the first time that Yves de Kermabon has visited the …

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If Croatia Drops Genocide Suit, Serbia Will Too

As a solution for the border problem with Serbia, at Danube River, Serbian PM sees drawing it in the middle of the river. Before meeting with Croatian Prime Minster Ivo Sanader, Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic said that Serbia will invite Croatia to drop its lawsuit against Serbia for genocide …

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Hague Prosecutor to Visit Serbia

Hague Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz will visit Belgrade in late March to speak with Serbian officials, said his spokeswoman Olga Kavran. At a regular Tribunal press conference, Kavran said that this would be a regular, working visit, during which the chief prosecutor would be meeting Serbian officials responsible for cooperation …

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