
Kosovo Serbs Invited to Join Decentralisation

Kosovo’s International Civilian Representative has called on the country’s Serb population to begin to take part in the administrative structures at a municipal level, and seize opportunities that decentralisation offer them. “It is the time for the Serbs to make use of the possibilities decentralisation offers to them,” said Pieter …

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IMF to offer crisis-hit Serbia $3.9bn loan: Minister

BELGRADE: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is ready to provide crisis-hit Serbia with up to ¤3bn ($3.9bn) in aid over two years, Economy Minister Mladjan Dinkic said yesterday. “The IMF is offering us… two billion (euros) this year and one billion (euros) next year” in the form of a stand-by …

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Serbs mark Kosovo riots anniversary

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA: Serbs in the flashpoint Kosovo town of Mitrovica on Tuesday marked the fifth anniversary of riots that left 19 dead and 900 injured. Kosovo Serb leaders laid flowers on the bridge over the Ibar river, which splits the northern town, in honour of the victims of the worst …

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Albanians Set to Join Serb Government Body

Politicians representing ethnic Albanians in south Serbia will join the work of the government’s Coordination Body for South Serbia in the next few days, Sima Gazikalovic, one of the vice-presidents of the institution, told Balkan Insight. Gazikalovic said that according to the negotiations, Albanians would get the position of deputy …

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EULEX Asks For Patience With Serbian Police

The EU’s Rule of Law Mission to Kosovo, EULEX, has urged the country’s ministry of interior not to react to what the Prisitina’s authorities consider as provocation from Serb police until he has had the opportunity to try and resolve the issue. For the past year, Serb policemen working in …

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Macedonia on Reconciliation Visit To Serbia

Macedonia’s Parliament Speaker TrajkoVeljanoski visited Belgrade on Tuesday, the first official visit by a Macedonian official to Serbia since Skopje’s decision in October 2008 to recognise Kosovo’s independence cast a shadow over bilateral relations between the two countries. After meeting Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic, Veljanovsko said the visit as …

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Kosovo Movement Files Charges Against Serbs

Kosovo’s popularist Vetevendosje movement has filed criminal charges against 93 leaders of Serb so called parallel institutions to Pristina’s District Court, including a charge against Goran Bogdnaovic, Serbia’s Minister for Kosovo. Vetevendosje’s leader, Albin Kurti, said his movement filed the charges so that Kosovo’s government can no longer pretend that …

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Belgrade Mosque Still Stands In Ruins

Five years since it was burned and devastated in demonstrations inspired by Albanian violence against Kosovo Serbs on March 17, 2004, the 16th century Bayrakli Mosque in Belgrade still is not fully repaired. The mosque was heavily damaged by angry youths who broke all its windows and furniture and then …

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Serb Police Protest Against Arrests

Over 1,000 war veterans and policemen from various parts of Serbia protested Tuesday in Leskovac demanding the release of four policemen arrested over suspicion that they committed war crimes in Kosovo in 1999. Protesters gathered near police headquarters in Leskovac under a banner saying: ”Who’s Next”.

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More Lay Offs Announced In Serbia

Serbian vehicle tyre producer ”Trayal Corporation” from Krusevac plans to fire about 400 employees, the company told the local BETA news agency on Wednesday. The number of employees at the factory will decline from 2422 to 2042, adding to the economic woes being felt in this industrial part of north …

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