
Serbia requests advance of 120m euros from EU pre-accession funds

BELGRADE, Serbia — The government on Monday (March 23rd) asked the European Commission (EC) to advance it 120m euros from the pre-accession funds already earmarked for Serbia. Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic met with EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn in an attempt to reach agreement on the issue.

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KOSOVO: Parallel Serb Administration Challenged

MITROVICA – An Albanian group has filed a lawsuit against parallel structures set up to administer ethnic Serbs within Kosovo. Serbia had lost control over Kosovo, which it still claims as its southern district, after the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) bombing in 1999. That followed a period of repression …

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Clashes at Serb Nationalist Anti-NATO Rally

Two police officers and five members of the public were injured in clashes last night between a group of some 150 youths and police, during a protest marking ten years since NATO’s bombing of Serbia. 28 people were arrested in the violence, Serbia’s B92 network has learnt from police sources. …

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Plan to Cut Number of Serb Govt Ministries

Ruling Democratic Party and G17 Plus officials in Serbia have concluded that the number of government ministries should be cut in a bid to cut costs, Belgrade daily Blic reports. Citing a source from the Democratic Party, Blic reports that the number of government ministers should be cut in proportion …

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Serb Nationalists Protest on NATO Anniversary

Some 1,000 hardline nationalists staged an anti-NATO rally in the main square of Belgrade, chanting “Kosovo is the heart of Serbia” and waving banners hailing Milosevic as the “hero of the Serbian nation.” Earlier, air-raid sirens wailed and church bells tolled on Tuesday as Serbia marked the 10th anniversary of …

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Heavy Snow Triggers Alert in Eastern Serbia

Local authorities in Bosilegrad municipality, an area around 450 kilometres southeast of Belgrade and populated by ethnic Bulgarians, have introduced a state of alert over weather conditions. Mayor Vladimir Zaharijev said that because of the huge snow drifts of up to a metre high around 30 villages were cut off …

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Sirens Wail as Serbia Marks NATO Bombings

Air-raid sirens wailed on Tuesday as Serbia marked ten years since NATO’s bombing campaign against the regime of late president Slobodan Milosevic to halt its violent Kosovo crackdown. Solemn ceremonies were held at Belgrade monuments to children and journalists killed in the NATO sorties as the sirens were sounded across …

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Kosovo Police Turn Back Belgrade Mayor

Kosovo police on Monday prevented Belgrade mayor Dragan Djilas from entering Kosovo’s territory at the customs checkpoint at Konculj. Djilas, who is an official of the Democratic Party headed by Serbian President Boris Tadic, planned to visit the Serb population in eastern Kosovo together with his associates, but was denied …

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Serbs Jailed for Wartime Herzegovina Crimes

The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has issued a first-instance verdict, sentencing Krsto Savic and Milko Mucibabic for crimes against humanity committed in eastern Herzegovina. By a first-instance verdict, handed down by the State Court, Krsto Savic has been sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment for participation in a joint criminal …

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EC Mulls Funds to Boost Serbian Economy

The European Commission is considering Belgrade’s proposal to set aside €120 milion from pre-accession funds to help maintain Serbia’s macroeconomic stability and the budget. That is according to EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn. After a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic, Rehn highlighted that the European Union may start …

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