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OSCE urges Albanian parties to recognise May elections’ results

The OSCE called on political parties to recognise the results of the upcoming May 8th local elections as an important aspect of democracy. Head of the mission in Albania Eugen Wollfarth told an experts’ roundtable on

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Kosovo parties failed to agree on President

Mediation has failed to result in a compromise on the Kosovo president issue among political parties, local media reported on Wednesday (April 6th). Facilitated by US Ambassador Christopher Dell and the head of

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5+2 meeting focuses on resumption of official negotiations on the Transdniestrian settlement

Resumption of the official negotiations in the Transdniestrian settlement process was the focus of a 4-5 April informal meeting of the participants in the 5+2 Transdniestrian settlement process chaired by the Special Representative of the Lithuanian Chairman-in-Office of OSCE for protracted conflicts, Ambassador Giedrius Čekuolis.

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