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Kosovo court issues full judgment on Pacolli’s election

There is ambiguity over Kosovo’s Behgjet Pacolli’s status as president Thursday (March 31st), following a full ruling Wednesday by the Constitutional Court. The court agreed that Pacolli’s election by parliament last month violated

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New round of Cypriot reunification talks

Cypriot President Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu met on Wednesday (March 30th) as part of ongoing direct talks aimed at reunifying the divided island. This round focused on internal security issues and was attended by UN special representative for Cyprus Lisa Buttenheim, who said afterwards it was …

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PIC urges BiH leaders to form government again

The Peace Implementation Council (PIC) Steering Board wrapped up two days of meetings in Sarajevo on Wednesday (March 30th) expressing deep concern that six months after the October 3rd general elections, BiH still

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