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Some progress in negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, not within the expectations of Serbia

The second round of talks between Belgrade and Pristina has led to some progress, although not within the expectations of Serbia. According to the head of the Serbian delegation Borislav Stefanovic there is progress on issues related to the cadastre and birth certificates.

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Macedonia to hold early elections on June 5

Macedonia will hold early parliamentary elections on June 5. That is the proposal of the ruling party that would be submitted to the parliament. The country’s Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski stated earlier that Macedonia has no alternative except for holding early elections. Earlier leader of the opposition Social Democracy Union …

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Finland’s president in visit to Serbia

Finland’s President Tarja Halonen has arrived here for a two-day visit and is holding meetings with Serbia’s top officials. She was welcomed with a ceremony in front of the Palace of Serbia, and is meeting with SerbianPresident Boris Tadić. Finland’s President is also to meet Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković …

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