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EP’s foreign affairs committee adopts resolution on Macedonia

European Parliament (EP) members backed a draft resolution Wednesday (March 16th) calling for the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia. The resolution, drafted by EP Rapporteur Zoran Thaler, was adopted in

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Kosovo MP Limaj questioned by EULEX about 1999 war crimes

Fatmir Limaj, an MP and former transport minister, was questioned last night by EULEX prosecutors over war crimes allegedly committed in Kosovo during the 1999 war. Limaj was questioned as part of an operation by EULEX officers and Kosovo police on Wednesday, in which they arrested twelve persons on suspicion …

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Turkey says it’s only after peace, democracy, law

Turkey’s prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Thursday that Turkey had no other goal in its geography than peace, democracy and law. He said that  Turkey was not after power and domination, and it did not have different intentions.

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