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Bosniak, Croat Parties failed to agree on forming government

A meeting of the leaders of Bosniak and Croat parties, which began about 4 pm yesterday at the Office of the High Representative, was completed last night after 9 pm, but the politicians did not announce that a government had been formed.

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Serbia: 4 persons sentenced to 12 years each for 1991-1995 war crimes

The war crimes court in Belgrade convicted four former paramilitary members Monday (March 14th) of killing civilians during the 1991-1995 war in Croatia. Cedo Budisavljevic, Mirko Malinovic, Milan Bogunovic and Bogdan Grujicic were sentenced to 12 years in prison each. They were found guilty of killing the five-member Rakic family …

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ICG: an interim solution should be found for Kosovo

Northern Kosovo does not represent a risk for Kosovo; therefore, an interim solution should be sought until a final solution is reached, Marko Prelec, International Crisis Group’s Balkans Project Director told Voice of America on Monday (March 14th). He was discussing

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