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New EU Ambassador to Macedonia arrives in Skopje

The new EU Ambassador to Macedonia Peter Peter Sørensen will arrive in Skopje today. He is coming to replace Erwan Fouéré as Head of the EU representation. The 44-year-old Danish diplomat has previously worked as

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Independence Day marked in part of Muslim-Croat part of Bosnia

The Muslim-Croat Federation entity of Bosnia-Herzegovina is today marking Independence Day, a holiday in that part of Bosnia. On March 1, 1992, 64 percent of those who took part in a referendum in then Yugoslav republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina

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KFOR halved its number of troops

The NATO-led force in Kosovo, KFOR, has reduced the number of its troops to 5,500 from 10,000. This was confirmed for VOA by the force’s commander, German General Erhard Buehler. He said it was proof that the mission was successfully carried out.

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