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UNMIK ready to support Kosovo organ trafficking

UNMIK is ready to fully support a probe into the Kosovo organ trafficking, the latest report of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says. It also expresses the expectation that progress will soon be made towards opening the Belgrade-Priština dialogue which has not yet begun due to the toppling of the …

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NATO praises Georgia’s participation in Alliance operations

Georgian Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Rusudan Kervalishvili met with the NATO International Military Staff Lieutenant-General Jürgen Bornemann. The two sides stressed the importance of Georgia’s participation in the NATO peacekeeping mission, Kervalishvili said after the meeting.

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War crimes suspect Sasa Baricanin arrested in Bosnia

Bosnian police arrested Sasa Baricanin on Tuesday on suspicion of war crimes committed against the non-Serb population in Sarajevo during the country’s 1992-95 war. Baricanin was arrested in Pale, some 25 kilometers southeast of Sarajevo, on an order from the State Prosecutor’s Office.

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