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Serbia signed trade agreement with EU

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Mladjan Dinkic and EU Trade Commissioner Karel de Gucht signed a trade agreement Tuesday (January 11th) as part of Serbia’s bid to join the World Trade

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Italy backs Albania’s European path

Foreign Minister Franco Frattini reiterated on Monday (January 10th) Italy’s support for Albania on its path to European integration. Albanian counterpart Edmond Haxhinasto was in Rome to sign an agreement

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Swiss Media Lashes Targets Kosovo PM, Saying Thaci’s Rise in KLA Was Plotted on Swiss Soil

Following Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci’s brazen comments last week comparing a Council of Europe report connecting him to organized crime to ‘Nazi propaganda’ and its author, Swiss Senator Dick Marty, to Joseph Goebbels, the Swiss media is hitting back. On 8 January, the Geneva-based daily Le Temps reported that …

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