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Romania to serve as NATO representative in Azerbaijan

The Romanian embassy in Azerbaijan received a mandate to serve as a representative concerning relations between Azerbaijan and NATO in 2011. “The embassy has already prepared an action plan. NATO expects to approve it soon at its headquarters. We hope that

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Dick Marty: a lot of countries knew of Thaci’s activities

Council of Europe (CoE) rapporteur Dick Marty, the author of a report that accuses incumbent Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci of involvement in organ trafficking, said on Friday (December 17th) that many countries were aware of facts related to the case.

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Cyprus proposes direct talks with Turkey

Cyprus is ready to start direct talks with Turkey to find a solution to the Mediterranean island’s longstanding division, Cypriot Foreign Minister Markos Kyprianou declared on Friday (December 17th). “We should start the direct exchange of opinions. We should directly share our demands and our complaints,” Kyprianou said. Ankara has …

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