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Verdicts of suspected Mladic supporters to be announced today

A court in Belgrade is due to announce on Thursday (November 4th) the verdicts of ten people charged with supporting war crimes fugitive Ratko Mladic and helping him evade justice between 2002 and 2006 by sheltering him in their Belgrade apartments. The prosecution and the defence made their final statements

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UN Secretary-General concerned about situation in northern Kosovo

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon wants dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia to start as soon as possible, media in Pristina reported on Tuesday (November 2nd), quoting his regular quarterly report on the situation in Kosovo that was distributed to UN Security Council members at the weekend. The general situation is stable, …

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United States stresses support for BiH’s territorial integrity

Rebuffing comments from a former US ambassador, the US Embassy in Sarajevo reiterated Washington’s support for a united Bosnia and Herzegovina. “Our position … remains unchanged. The US fully supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of BiH,” the embassy said. The Office of the High Representative issued a similar statement, …

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