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Bulgarian citizenship issuing for Bulgarians in Albania speeded up over the last year and a half

Bulgarian citizenship issuing procedure for people from the Bulgarian communities in Albania has been speeded up. Around 1,000 Bulgarians from Albania have obtained Bulgarian passports over the last years. At the meeting between Bulgarian minister without portfolio in charge of Bulgarian residents abroad, Bozhidar

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UN Secretary-General welcomes dialogue on Kosovo

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has welcomed the announcement that the dialogue between Belgrade and Priština will begin soon. He pointed out that the process will open a new phase in relations between the two parties and help consolidate peace and stability in the

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Syrian President to start Eastern Europe tour

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is expected to visit Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine in the coming days. Assad, during his first visit to those Eastern European countries since he took office in 2000, intends to boost bilateral relations and discuss regional affairs. Cypriot President Demetris Christofias held talks with Assad …

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