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Turkey complains of double standards in EU bid

Turkey feels it is becoming a victim of double standards in its EU accession bid, the country’s European Affairs Minister Egemen Bagis said on Wednesday (September 29th). “We don’t want any special treatment, but we don’t want additional burdens either,” he told a meeting titled “Turkey’s Membership Process after the …

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New OSCE head in Tirana urges government to start election preparations

Albania – The new OSCE head in Tirana, Eugen Wollfarth, has urged the government to start preparing for next spring’s local elections. “It is necessary to start early administrative preparations in line with OSCE recommendations,” Wollfarth said on Wednesday (September 29th) after meeting with Prime Minister Sali Berisha. Wollfarth promised …

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Boris Tadic to represent Serbia at enthronement ceremony in Kosovo

Serbian President Boris Tadic will attend Sunday’s (October 3rd) enthronement ceremony of Serbian Patriarch Irinej at the Patriarchy in Pec, the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Synod announced on Wednesday. The SPC warned against provocations or politicising the religious event. Bishop Irinej, of Nis, was elected as SPC head on January …

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