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Croatia Closes Two EU Accession Chapters

The European Commission has provisionally closed two more chapters in Croatia’s EU accession talks, moving the country further along the path to EU membership.

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EU appoints new Chief of Mission in Kosovo

The EU rule-of-law mission in Kosovo, EULEX, has announced that Xavier Bout de Marnhac, a retired French army general, has been appointed as the new head of mission. Bout de Marnhac, who will succeed Yves de Kermabon, will take up his duties on October 15. His appointment is renewable for …

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Spain to extradite war crimes suspect Veselin Vlahovic to BiH

The Spanish government has decided to extradite war crimes suspect Veselin Vlahovic, known as the “Monster of Grbavica”, to BiH. Vlahovic was arrested in Spain in early March on suspicion of war crimes committed during the 1992-1995 Bosnian conflict. He is accused of the murder, rape, and torture of non-Serbs …

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