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Serbian Officials react to EP Kosovo resolution

Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Political Director Borko Stefanović says EU institutions have no joint position when it comes to Kosovo. He made the comment for B92 TV late on Thursday, after it was reported that the European parliament had adopted a resolution calling on all EU members to recognize …

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Parlamenti modernih demokracija rijetko formiraju istražne komisije i razlozi za njihovo osnivanje su iznimno ozbiljni. Često pred tim komisijama iskaze daju šefovi država i vlada, ministri, visoki vojni, sigurnosni i policijski dužnosnici upleteni u neku aferu ili ih se smatra odgovornim za propuste koji su doveli do afera i štete …

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Moldova: Consulate of Romania to Balti to open on July 12

The General Consulate of Romania to Balti will start working on Monday, July 12. Beginning that day, it will provide consular services for citizens from the Northern region of Moldova. According to a press release of the Romanian Consulate to Balti, the institution

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