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Negoduju zbog skrivanja informacija o terorizmu

SARAJEVO Dio sigurnosnih agencija u BiH skriva informacije o terorističkim aktivnostima u zemlji i umjesto da saopće imena osoba povezanih s terorizmom, oni objavljuju podatke o policajcima koji su, nakon napada na Policijsku stanicu u Bugojnu, hvatali osumnjičene. Izjavio je ovo Drago Kalabić, član Komisije za odbranu i sigurnost parlamenta …

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Bulgaria ready to join US anti-missile defence shield

Bulgarian Defence Minister Anyu Angelov said on Saturday (July 3rd) that Bulgaria is ready to join the US anti-missile defence shield in Europe. “It was important for us to talk to our American partners about how Bulgaria can contribute to the setting up of a missile defence in Europe. In …

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Hillary Clinton urges Turkey to mend ties with Armenia

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sunday urged Turkey to make a step forward in its ties with Armenia and open the common border between the two countries. “We urge both sides continue to try to find the opportunities

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