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NGOs propose war crimes truth-seeking commission

Macedonia — Representatives of several NGOs from the region presented an initiative on Saturday (July 3rd) in Skopje to establish a regional commission for truth-seeking and

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Bulgaria, Kosovo to Collaborate in Culture Sphere

The Bulgarian Culture Minister, Vezhdi Rashidov, and his Kosovo counterpart, Lutfi Haziri, have met to discuss possibilities for future cooperation in the culture sphere. “Until now, Bulgaria and Kosovo have not signed a treaty for bilateral cooperation in the culture sphere. Both countries could help each other in the field …

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Karl Bildt: EU doors open for Montenegro

The EU doors are open for Montenegro, said Swedish Foreign Minister Karl Bildt after a meeting with his Montenegrin counterpart Milan Rocen. The meeting between the two foreign ministers took place in Krakow within the framework of a ministerial forum. “We hope that in the next years we will witness …

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