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Protestna nota Srbiji zbog hapšenja Salkića

SARAJEVO Institucije BiH do utorka nisu zvanično obaviještene o hapšenju bh. državljanina Mirsada Salkića u Srbiji, zbog čega je istog dana Ministarstvu spoljnih poslova Srbije upućena protestna nota iz Ambasade BiH u Beogradu. Salkić je uhapšen u subotu na osnovu potjernice nekadašnjeg Vojnog tužilaštva Srbije, koje ga tereti za krađu …

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No start date for EU accession talks with Macedonia

The EU will almost certainly not extend a start date for Macedonia’s accession talks at tomorrow’s European Council summit in Brussels, thus effectively putting the country’s EU bid on hold until it solves the name row with Greece.

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European Union to continue visa-free talks with South Caucasus

On 14 June, the European Union reiterated its readiness to facilitate people-to-people contacts with the citizens of the South Caucasus countries, namely Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, through visa facilitation and at the later stage visa-free agreements.

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