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EULEX urges Belgrade to accelerate mass grave exhumations

EULEX officials want Belgrade to take the next step in collecting information regarding the Raska mass grave, believed to contain the bodies of 250 Albanians. “This case is important, and we encourage Belgrade authorities to move forward as soon as possible in order to shed light on the truth,” EULEX …

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Croatian officials in visit to Serbia today

A delegation of the Croatian Assembly, led by Deputy Speaker Neven Mimica, is visiting Belgrade this Monday. The visit comes after a delegation of the Serbia-Croatia Parliamentary Friendship Group visited the Croatian Assembly on February 22 and 23.

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PACE in negative report on Kosovo

A new report from the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) on Kosovo is negative, according to media reports. The document was filed by Chairman of the PACE Political Affairs Committee Bjorn von Sydow, who stressed that the situation in the province was “very bad concerning the rule of law”.

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