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Slovakia supports Serbia’s EU bid

Foreign ministers of Serbia and Slovakia, Vuk Jeremić and Miroslav Lajčak, met on Thursday on Bratislava. They said that the EU-Western Balkans summit in Sarajevo earlier this week had confirmed the EU’s commitment to continued enlargement.

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Bulgaria Eases Visa Regime for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Bulgaria relaxes visa procedures for Russian, Ukrainian, Belarussian and Moldovan nationals following an order signed by the Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov this Friday. The news comes immediately after Mladenov reported Friday morning that he has a draft ready for facilitating the visa regime for those countries.

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State Secretary of Serbia’s Ministry for Kosovo : New talks on Kosovo status likely to happen

I’m confident that there will be new talks on Kosovo status, State Secretary of Serbia’s Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija Oliver Ivanovic said. He said that talks on Kosovo status are inevitable and there are always the better option than tensions, which can be caused if there are no negotiations. …

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