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Greek Prime Minister Georgious Papandreu: Greece choose salvation

We had to choose between collapse and salvation – we chose salvation, Greek Prime Minister Georgious Papandreu said at the parliament. Papandreu stated that eh Cabinet has aimed at turning the crisis into a chance. “The system we succeeded was based on inequality and injustice, we hadn’t the chance to …

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Bulgaria hosts Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe

Bulgaria will host the third meeting of the Committee of Ministers of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe. The forum will take place at Grand Hotel Sofia and Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov will deliver welcoming speech to the participants. Delegations of the Balkan sates will make a review …

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Nicio soluţie pentru R. Moldova?

„Liberalizarea regimului de vize între Rusia şi UE ar facilita contactele între cetăţeni şi ar crea un spaţiu unic european” (Vladimir Putin) Recentele declaraţii ale preşedinţilor rus şi ucrainean făcute cu ocazia primei vizite oficiale a lui Dmitri Medvedev la Kiev au stârnit reacţii justificate la Chişinău. Dincolo însă de …

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