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Slovenian Foreign Minister to meet Croatian counterpart

Slovenian Foreign Minister Samuel Zbogar will meet today with his Croatian counterpart Goran Jandrokovic, some two weeks before Slovenians head to the polls to vote on a referendum on an arbitration agreement to settle a border dispute between the two countries.

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Romania to Adopt IMF Agreement Despite Protest

Romania’s government is to adopt the letter of intent to the loan agreement with the International Monetary Fund next week after finishing scheduled negotiations with unions and employers. Despite public pressure, the government will not give up the planned reductions of salaries and pensions, though it noted that reductions of …

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Russia queries Bulgaria’s talks on Nato missile system

After a barrage of messages in the past week from Bulgarian Government leaders underlining the country’s willingness to be involved in the Nato missile defence system, Moscow has called on Nato for clarification on its talks with Sofia, the Russian foreign ministry said. The planned missile shield featured prominently in …

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