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ICTY to Deliver Final Verdict on Boskoski, Tarculovski

The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY, on Wednesday is set to deliver the final verdict in the case of former Macedonian Interior Minister Ljube Boskoski and police officer Johan Tarculovski. Boskoski and Tarculovski are the only people from Macedonia to be indicted by the UN war crimes …

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Turkish-Georgian relations exemplary, Georgian President says

The Georgian president said relations between Turkey and Georgia are “exemplary” during a visit by the Turkish prime minister to the Black Sea resort city of Batumi on Monday. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili’s remarks came while he was speaking during the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Sheraton Batumi Hotel, built by …

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Bulgarian Nationalists Closer to Referendum on Turkey EU Accession

The Bulgarian nationalist party VMRO and its partner cable TV channel SKAT have collected 200 000 signatures in support of their demand for a nation-wide referendum on Turkey’s EU accession. The VMRO press center announced Tuesday that the signatures were collected in one month, and that the initiative of the …

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