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Bramerc to visit Belgrade

Hague Tribunal Chief Prosecutor Serge Bramerc will kick off his 2-day visit to Belgrade on Wednesday. His visit is in the course of the preparations for submitting the regular report on UN Security Council towards mid-June. His assessment on Belgrade’s cooperation will have impact on whether EU will ratify the …

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Georgia, Armenia to discuss cooperation in border regions

Working meeting on improving the response to the economic development of border regions of Georgia and Armenia will take place in Tbilisi May 13. During the meeting, a presentation of the results of the research and recommendations for the regions located near the Georgian-Armenian border will be held, the organization …

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Srbija insistira na razmjeni teritorija

SARAJEVO Srbija od Bosne i Hercegovine traži razmjenu teritorija na međudržavnoj granici kod hidroelektrana Zvornik i Bajna Bašta te u blizini Rudog. Zahtjev za razmjenu teritorija ponovljen je na sastanku državnih komisija BiH i Srbije održanom u ponedjeljak. Slavica Vučić, predsjedavajuća Državne komisije za granice BiH, jučer nije mogla precizirati …

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