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Greece says EU/IMF aid mechanism ready in month

Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said on Sunday (April 25th) that he expects the final terms of the EU/IMF aid package for his country to be ready by the end of May, and that this would be acceptable to all euro zone members. After a series of meetings in Washington …

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Rapporteur says BiH meets most visa liberalisation conditions

European Parliament (EP) rapporteur on visa liberalisation for the Western Balkans, Tanja Fajon, believes that BiH has met most criteria for EU visa liberalisation. In an interview with the Nezavisne Novine daily published on Saturday (April 24th), she indicated that the European Commission will submit a proposal to scrap visas …

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EC says Albania not ready for visa liberalisation

The European Commission (EC) says Albania has completed just one of four sections of its EU visa liberalisation questionnaire, local media reported on Sunday (April 25th). Government and local integration officials had assured the public that Tirana has met all technical criteria in the process. The section praised by Brussels …

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